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Career Action Planning 2021-2022 Page 37
Marion Junior High Course Offerings
English Mathematics
English 8 8th Grade Math
8th Grade 1 year 8th grade 1 year
Using the language, concepts, and techniques of Algebra, stu-
English 8 is a continued study of language usage. The basics of dents learn to approach and solve problems following a logical
grammar, vocabulary, and various literary genres (novels, short succession of steps. Skills in this course lay groundwork for
stories, dramas, essays, and poetry) are studied. Emphasis is upper-level math and science courses and have practical uses.
placed on reading skills, writing, and critical thinking. Students
should expect to have written homework a couple of times per
week, outside of class reading assignments, as well as in-class Honors Algebra I
and out-of-class projects.
8th grade 1 year, 1 credit
Honors English 8 Prerequisite: Pre Algebra
8th Grade 1 year The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and ex-
tend the mathematics that students learned in previous grades.
The curriculum for Pre AP English 8 is much more in-depth than The critical areas deepen and extend understanding of linear
the curriculum for English 8. Students in Pre AP should be task and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each
committed and interested in perfecting language arts skills. other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear
Much of the work is based on critical thinking and a student’s trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving,
ability to take an assignment, analyze it, write about, discuss it, and using quadratic functions. The Mathematical Practice
and complete several assignments regarding that area of study. Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the
Students will complete research, presentations, projects, and content standards, prescribe that students experience mathe-
essays. Daily class work will consist of grammar, vocabulary, matics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use
extensive writing, and the study of various literary genres. Stu- of their ability to make sense of problem situations.
dents who take Pre AP English 8 should be self-motivated and
responsible and should expect to have homework daily. A sum-
mer assignment is given. Algebra I
9th grade 1 year, 1 credit
English 9
The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and ex-
tend the mathematics that students learned in previous grades.
9th grade 1 year, 1 credit The critical areas deepen and extend understanding of linear
and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each
This course consists of review of basic forms of grammar and other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear
addition of more complex grammatical forms. Writing will em- trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving,
phasize paragraph form, essays, and introduction to research and using quadratic functions. The Mathematical Practice
skills. Speaking and listening components will supplement the Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the
study of literary selections from a variety of genres (poetry, short content standards, prescribe that students experience mathe-
stories, non-fiction, and novels). Homework and independent matics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use
reading are included, as well as vocabulary . of their ability to make sense of problem situations.
Honors English 9 Geometry (or Honors Geometry)
9th Grade 1 year, 1 credit 9th grade 1 year, 1 credit
Prerequisite: Algebra I/Pre AP Algebra I
In Pre AP English 9, students will study important literary ele-
ments by reading a variety of short stories, myths, non-fiction Geometry provides students a foundation in proof and deductive
essays, novels, and dramas. In addition, they will review the reasoning. Instruction includes the traditional Euclidean con-
parts of speech and their correct use, sentence structure, us- cepts such as undefined terms, postulates, and the develop-
age, and punctuation. Writing assignments will stress essays. ment of theorems, congruency, perpendicular and parallel rela-
Vocabulary study is emphasized throughout the year. Students tionships, Pythagorean Theorem, circles, perimeter, area, vol-
will engage in lectures, taking notes, group work, research, ume, two and three dimensional constructions, similarity, right
writing, literary analysis, and classroom presentations. Stu- triangles and trigonometry, and coordinate geometry. Students
dents will be expected to complete independent reading as- strengthen their basic algebraic skills through practical applica-
signments and participate in a variety of writing exercises. Stu- tions and develop an appreciation for the need for clarity and
dents who take Pre AP English 9 should be self-motivated and precision of language.
responsible and should expect to have homework daily. A
summer assignment is given.
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