Page 38 - MSD-CareerActionPlan2019-2020
P. 38
Page 38 Career Action Planning 2021-2022
Social Studies
United States History 1800-1900 Honors Civics
8th grade 1 year 9th grade 1 semester, 1/2 credit
This course has an emphasis on United States history from The focus of Civics is the study and application of civic virtues
1801 expansion and reform to 1900 industrial America. The and democratic principles and investigation of problem solving in
desired outcome is for students to develop an understanding of society. This course provides a study of the structure and func-
the cause-and-effect relationship between events, recognize tions of federal, state, and local government. Civics also exam-
patterns of interactions, and understand the impact of events in ines constitutional principles, concepts of rights and responsibili-
the United States within an interconnected world. This includes ties, roles of political parties and interest groups, and the im-
the integration of social, political, economic, and geographic portance of civic participation in the democratic process. While
components. the content is essentially the same as Civics, Pre AP Civics em-
phasizes practical applications, independent expectations, higher
level thinking skills, and student responsibility, which are all need-
Honors United States History 1800-1900 ed for other advanced level classes.
8th grade 1 year
Honors Economics w/Personal Finance
This course has an emphasis on United States history from 9th grade 1 semester, 1/2 credit
1801 expansion and reform to 1900 industrial America. The
desired outcome is for students to develop an understanding of Pre AP Economics emphasizes economic decision making. Stu-
the cause-and-effect relationship between events, recognize dents explore the relationships among consumers, producers,
patterns of interactions, and understand the impact of events in resources, and labor as well as the relationships between national
the United States within an interconnected world. This includes and global economies. Students also examine the relationship
the integration of social, political, economic, and geographic between individual choices and the direct influence of these
components. Students will complete independent reading as- choices on occupational goals and future earning potential. While
signments and participate in writing exercises. Students who the content is essentially the same as Economics, Pre AP Eco-
take this course should be self-motivated and responsible. nomics emphasizes practical applications, independent expecta-
tions, higher level thinking skills, and student responsibility, which
Civics are all needed for other advanced level classes.
9th grade 1 semester, 1/2 credit
The focus of Civics is the study of civic virtues and democratic World Geography
principles and investigation of problem solving in society. This 9th grade 1 Semester, 1/2 credit
course provides a study of the structure and functions of federal,
state, and local government. Civics also examines constitutional Geography is designed to bring together the physical and human
principles, concepts of rights and responsibilities, roles of politi- dimensions of the world in the study of people, places, and envi-
cal parties and interest groups, and the importance of civic par- ronments. Its subject matter is the earth’s surface and the pro-
ticipation in the democratic process. cesses that shape it, the relationships between people and envi-
ronments, and the connections between people and places. Stu-
dents study spatial aspects of human existence by analyzing
Economics w/Personal Finance maps, charts, graphs, and other tools of geographic discovery.
9th grade 1 semester, 1/2 credit
Economics emphasizes economic decision making. Students
explore the relationships among consumers, producers, re-
sources, and labor as well as the relationships between national
and global economies. Students also examine the relationship
between individual choices and the direct influence of these
choices on occupational goals and future earning potential.
MJHS course selections and policies are sub-
ject to change due to staffing and/or district
and state educational requirements imple-
mented after the printing of this book.
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