Page 15 - WCEN Dr Rochelle Burgess evaluation report\ Baloon
P. 15

Data Analysis

       All  interviews,  focus  groups,  and  feedback  sessions  following  PLA  activities  were  recorded  and
       transcribed  verbatim  by  an  external  transcription  company.  Data  was  analysed  using  a  thematic
       analysis, blending inductive and deductive approaches to the data (Braun & Clarke, 2006). An initial
       cluster of global themes were identified based on primary concerns driving the objectives of each phase
       of research, in order to guide initial readings of transcripts. Transcripts were read independently by
       each researcher, who developed a series of data driven codes to explain processes linked to each
       global theme (i.e. identification of organisational and basic themes for each pre-defined global theme).
       Following initial readings of the data, an analysis meeting between the researchers resulted in the
       adaptation  of  the  coding  framework  around  emerging  findings  from  this.  This  resulted  in  three
       overarching  global  themes  as  follows:  coproduction  as  a  process;  processes  of  change;  and
       conceptualisations of the network’s future. The remaining report is organised around these three global

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