Page 26 - Relicense_Resource_Guide_2
P. 26

Relicense Resource Guide

        Groups and Events

        Working with Groups

        After you create a group in the
        choiceADVANTAGE system it will auto-

        matically import into SmartRates once it
        falls within the 90 day window.

        Groups are tracked in SmartRates to help
        ensure your demand and revenue are
        accurately forecasted.

        To help improve your forecasts based on group in-

        formation, be sure to enter the Expected Pickup into
        SmartRates as soon as possible. If you don’t enter
        an Expected Pickup, SmartRates will assume all the
        rooms are going to be picked up, which you, as a
        hotel operator, know isn’t always the case.

        Understanding Events

        There are three types of events in SmartRates.

        Entering events into SmartRates will help create

        more accurate recommendations for your hotel.

        The type of event will help SmartRates to prop-
        erly forecast rates and occupancy.

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