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Relicense Resource Guide

        The Landing Page

        There’s a lot of information on the choiceADVANTAGE system’s landing page. Below are
        a few key areas to be aware of and check when you log in.

                                                                                                Quick Menu Bar
                                                                                                Offers instant
                                                                                                access to the items
                                                                                                you use the most.
                                                                                                It is customizable
                                                                                                by property (but
                                                                                                not user).
        Quick overview of
        today’s rates, oc-
        cupancy, available
        rooms and more.

                                                                   Information on upcoming & cur-
                                                                   rent offers, system maintenance
                                                                   scheduling, and more...

                                                                        Get Info, Share Ideas
                                                                        This space provides information
                                                                        about the Choice Privileges pro-
                                                                        gram, a link to, and
                                                                        a place to share ideas you have
                                                                        about choiceADVANTAGE...

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