Page 30 - BPA PPP-Area-V
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Establishment of Bus. Model for Techno-based Organic 1,945,230.00
Fertilizer Production Enterprise towards
commercialization in Isabela.
Promotionof Artificial Insemination asBreedingTool for 2,000,000.00
Cattle Production in Region 02
DA-ACEF Upgrading ofSoil Analytical LaboratoryofISUEchague 5,000,000.00
Commercialization of Crop Residue Based
Total Mixed Ration (TMR) for Dairy Cattle/Carabao 5,000,000.00
Production in Cagayan Valley
Innovative Systems in Advancing
DOST-PCAARRD Technology-based Goat Production 9,156,960.89
Smarter Approaches to Reinvigoirate
Agriculture as an Industry in the Phils. (SARAI): 789, 142.37
CommunityLevelSARAI EnhancedAgriculture Monitoring
28|Pa g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaV:TheResearch/BPA