Page 29 - BPA PPP-Area-V
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Asin the past years, several external agenciesentered into aMemorandumof Agreementwith ISU for the conduct
of various researches. The following is a list of linkages and the research projects that ISU is conducting with funding from
its partneragencies.
In 2019,ISUenteredinto severalMemorandaofAgreementandMemorandaofUnderstandingwithexternal
agencies for the conduct of various researches. The highest funded project amounting to P9 million is the Innovative
Systemsin AdvancingTechnology-basedGoatProduction with DOST-PCAARRD.
OtherlistoflinkagesandresearchprojectsthatISUareconducting,withfundingfromitspartneragencies are
shown below:
Project Partner Agency Cost
CHED Greening Dairy Rural Industry Value Chain Towards 1,922,278.00
Economic & Environmental Sustainability in Cagayan
Valley R02
DA-BAR Adoption & Commercialization of Green Corn-based 1,724,121.00
Silage,Haylage & UMMB Production for Dairy
Cattle in Cagayan Valley
27|Pa g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaV:TheResearch/BPA