Page 24 - BPA PPP-Area-V
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The University hasa clear research agendawhich were defined with dueconsiderationof the strengths and weaknessesof
       various weaknesses of various University components and the opportunities and threats from factors of the external
       environment.Theagendaservessourcesofpotentialresearchableareasandguidein the formulationofresearchproposals
       andthe basisof approvingresearchsupportbythe University. TheISUresearchagendaserveasaguidein the formulation
       ofresearchproposalsandthebasisfor approvingsupportbytheUniversity.

       Involvement of various stakeholders in preparing the ISU Research & Development Services Strategic Plan (2014-2019).
       The research strategies adopted by ISU are based on analysis of the University’s inherent and internal capabilities and the
       prospects and opportunities provided by external factors. From consultations with stakeholders, considering national
       government R&D thrusts and the analyses using commodity-based and thematic research thrusts, researchable areas
       BORApproved Manualof Operationsfor Research&Development Services
       The University has aclear research services andguidelines which are geared for developing inquisitive andcritical thinking
       among faculty staff and students; generate knowledge and technology to advance the frontiers of knowledge, promote and
       facilitate thedisseminationandutilizationofresearchresults.

       StrongR&Dquality managementsystem.
       To effectively and efficiently implement R&D programs andprojects the University has a strong R&Dgovernancesupported
       bystrong policyfoundationsand the presenceofapprovedorganizationalstructure.

       In order to contribute towards the attainment of the University vision and mission, as guided by its core values, University
       R&D has adopted the strategic goal towards bolstering research culture, excellence and leadership through innovative
       leading research initiatives. The University as a Higher Education Institution is deemed as a generator of knowledge and
       technology. ISU has developed 30 Research Centers, these centers are monumental proofs in catering research activities
       that aregearedtowardscommunityandindustryneeds.Theyarealigned to regional andnational thematic thrusts including
       agriculture, biodiversity, fresh water, animal sciences, social sciences, governance, higher education, industrial technology

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