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Study 1: Awarenessonthe implementation of Ecological Waste   Completed,
                               ManagementActof2000ofstudentsandemployeesofIsabela      2020
                               State University – Echague Campus
                               Study3:EcologicalandWastemanagementofBusiness           Completed,
                               Enterprise on Isabela                                   2020
                               Project Title: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentin LocalEconomic   On- going    P 60,000.00
                               Development Promotion: The Case of Echague, Isabela
                               Study 1: Business Owners’ Satisfaction in Processing
                               Business  Permits in Echague, Isabela
                               Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability: Analysisof  On- going  P 50,000.00
                               Covid-19 PandemicResponseofLocalGovernments in the Province
                               of Isabela
                               Study1.LocalGovernmentBestPractices forCOVID-19
                               Management in Isabela
      Gallena, Jose Jr. P.     Productivity,Profitability andViability ofOrganic and   On- going
                               Conventional Rice Production System in Isabela
                               Project Title: PerformanceManagementSystemandProductivity of  On- going  P 90,000.00
                               Isabela State University
                               Study5:ImpactofHigh-Performance WorkSystemPracticeson
                               HumanResourceOutcomesandOrganizationalPerformancein Public
                               Project Title: EnhancingRegionalEconomicGrowthThrough   On- going      P 90,000.00
                               Technology and Academic Entrepreneurship
                               Study4:TechnologyTransferBarriers andChallengesFacedby R&D
                               Project Title: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentin LocalEconomic   On- going    P 60,000.00
                               Development Promotion: The Case of Echague, Isabela
                               Study2:TaxCollection Strategies intheMunicipality ofEchague,
                               Isabela: An Assessment
                               Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability: Analysisof  On- going  P 50,000.00
                               Covid-19 PandemicResponseofLocalGovernments in the Province
                               of Isabela
                               Study1.LocalGovernmentBestPractices forCOVID-19
                               Management in Isabela
      Reario, Ma. Rita A.      Project Title: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentin LocalEconomic   On- going    P 60,000.00
                               Development Promotion: The Case of Echague, Isabela
                               Study 1: Business Owners’ Satisfaction in Processing
                               Business  Permits in Echague, Isabela
                               Comparative AnalysisontheImplementationofFull Disclosure Policy  On- going  P 45,000.00
                               in the Three Cities of Isabela
                               Tracer Study on the Graduates of Isabela State          On- going      P 498,400.00
                               University  Echague Campus
                               Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability:  On- going  P 50,000.00
                               AnalysisofCovid-19 PandemicResponseofLocalGovernments in the
                               Province of Isabela
                               Study1.LocalGovernmentBestPractices forCOVID-19
                               Management in Isabela
      Ruiz, Joan T.            Project Title: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentin LocalEconomic   On- going    P 60,000.00
                               Development Promotion: The Case of Echague, Isabela
                               Study4.LocalResourceMobilization intheMunicipality of Echague

                               Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability: Analysisof  P 50,000.00
                               Covid-19 PandemicResponseofLocalGovernments
                               in the Province of Isabela

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