Page 16 - BPA PPP-Area-V
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Project Title: Enhancing Regional Economic Growth           On- going       P 90,000.00

                             Study 4: Technology Transfer Barriers and
                             ProjectTitle: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentinLocal               On- going       P 60,000.00
                             Economic Development Promotion: The Case of
                             Echague, Isabela
                             Study 2: Tax Collection Strategies in the Municipality
                             of Echague, Isabela: An Assessment
                             ProjectTitle: Resilience,Accountability, and                On- going       P 50,000.00
                             Vulnerability: Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic
                             Response of Local Governments in the Province of
                             Study1.LocalGovernmentBestPractices for COVID-19
                             Management in Isabela
  Reario, Ma. Rita A.        ProjectTitle: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentinLocal               On- going       P 60,000.00
                             Economic Development Promotion: The Case of
                             Echague, Isabela

                             Study1: BusinessOwners’Satisfactionin Processing Business
                             Permits in Echague, Isabela
                             Study 3: Investment Opportunities through Mengal
                             Comparative Analysis on the Implementation of Full          On- going       P 45,000.00
                             DisclosurePolicyin theThreeCitiesofIsabela
                             TracerStudyonthe Graduatesof IsabelaState                   On- going       P 498,400.00
                             University Echague Campus
                             ProjectTitle: Resilience,Accountability, and                On- going       P 50,000.00
                             Vulnerability: Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic
                             Responseof LocalGovernments in the Provinceof Isabela

                             Study1.LocalGovernmentBestPractices for COVID-19
                             Management in Isabela
  Ruiz, Joan T.              ProjectTitle: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentinLocal               On- going       P 60,000.00
                             Economic Development Promotion: The Case of
                             Echague, Isabela
                             Study 4. Local Resource Mobilization in the
                             Municipality of Echague
                             ProjectTitle: Resilience,Accountability, and Vulnerability:                 P 50,000.00
                             Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic
                             Response of Local Governments in the Province of

                             Study3.TheCovid-19RecoveryEfforts ofLocal
                             Governments in Isabela
  Managuelod, Jessica        ProjectTitle: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentinLocal               On- going       P 60,000.00
  C.                         Economic Development Promotion: The Case of
                             Echague, Isabela

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