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   Determining possible researchableareas andother extension modalities that could beimplemented through participatory
                  planningprocessesinvolvingexpertsfromthevariousdisciplines, thoseresponsiblein their implementation,themembers
                  oftheBoardofRegents,middle-levelmanagers,facultymembersandsupportstaff, students andotherstakeholders.

     ResearchProjects/Activities of the Programunder Survey

                                       BACHELOR IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
                                     LIST OF 2017-2022 APPROVED RESEARCHES
        CORE FACULTY                              RESEARCH TITLE                          STATUS         APPROVED
        RESEARCHERS                                                                                       BUDGET

     Baquiran, Nicanor D.       Project Title: Bamboo R&D Program                       On- going      P 350,000.00

                               Study1:GrowthandDevelopmentof GiantBamboo under
                               Various Potting medium treated with hormones

                               Study 2: Cultural establishment and management
                               of  BambooPlantationsfor poleproduction
                               ProjectTitle: Assessmentin the implementationof RA 9003  Completed      P 120,000.00
                               in Isabela                                               ,  2020
                               Study 1: Awareness on the implementation of              Completed
                               Ecological Waste Management Act of 2000 of               ,  2020
                               studentsandemployeesofIsabela State University–
                               Echague Campus
                               Study 3: Ecological and Waste management                 Completed
                               of  Business Enterprise on Isabela                       ,  2020

                               ProjectTitle: TheRoleofLocalGovernmentinLocal            On- going      P 60,000.00
                               Economic Development Promotion: The Case of
                               Echague, Isabela

                               Study1: BusinessOwners’Satisfactionin Processing
                               Business Permits in Echague, Isabela
                               ProjectTitle: Resilience,Accountability, and             On- going      P 50,000.00
                               Vulnerability: Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic
                               Response of Local Governments in the Province
                               of  Isabela
                               Study1.LocalGovernmentBestPractices for COVID-19
                               Management in Isabela
     Gallena, Jose Jr. P.      Productivity, Profitability and Viability of Organic     On- going
                               and  ConventionalRiceProductionSystem inIsabela

                               Project Title: Performance Management System             On- going      P 90,000.00
                               and  ProductivityofIsabelaState University

                               Study5:Impactof High-PerformanceWorkSystem
                               Practices on Human Resource Outcomes and
                               Organizational Performancein PublicHEIs/SUCs

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