Page 14 - BPA PPP-Area-V
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Stakeholder’sparticipation in theformulation of the ResearchAgenda.
                     Guidelinesfor Strategic Planning andPriority Setting of R&DProgramsandProjects

              ISU is a large but relatively young institution, its research and extension thrusts and directions are geared towards
       nourishing degree level learning-teaching for the continued growth and development of higher education in all campusesof
       ISUwhile at the sametimepromotethe frontiers of knowledgebyseeking newtechnologiesto improve communitylife in its

              Owing to the very limited financial resources of the University particularly for R&D and extension as compared to
       instruction, R&D programs and projects must be maintained more effectively and efficiently. If any of its R&D plans,
       programs and projects is to succeed, the various factors that will determine its intended outcomes must be thoroughly
       identified and established. And this calls for an objective planning and programming of its activities to minimize the
       occurrenceofundesirableandunpredictableeventsthat wouldlikely derailprogram/project/activityimplementation.

              The planning process starts with the establishment of a framework that represents the manyintricate relationships


              Environmentalscanning of the serviceareaoftheUniversity

              Based on the established vision, mission, goals and objectives of the University as articulated and as understood
       by its various stakeholders to include the governing board, faculty and support staff, students, farmers and various other
       clientele in the industry and other sectors, the first and fundamental step in the planning process is the holistic scanning of
       theUniversity’s service areas.

              It is a known fact that the usual piecemeal research approach especially in the countryside often resulted in
       fragmented and in-appropriate technical solutions. It is in this regard that the power of the interdisciplinary, or
       multidisciplinary, or interdisciplinary research approaches shall be explored and implemented where several researchers
       should look at a common problem, adopt a common framework, and relate the findings of one discipline to the other.
       However,whiletheaboveapproachesmaybeveryrelevant,it isadvisabletoconcentratemoreondeterminingthepotentials
       of the service areas in terms of economic growth and development and howthese growth and development objectives and
       processes can be interwoven into the major functions of the University particularly along the generation, advancement,
       disseminationandtransferofknowledgeortechnology, asdesired.

              Theenvironmentalscanningprocessesandprocedureswill bedoneasfollows:

                    Reviewingthe institutional researchmandatesof ISUandlocal developmentplans of the target
                    Gathering of data of the various sectors in the locality, including the industries, their products, marketing
                     systems,otherindustryservices andlevelsof competitiveness;
                    Assessing the involvement of other development agencies in the development process andin the rural
                     economyto complementintervention activitiesrather thanduplicatethem;and

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