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                                         BACHELOR IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION

                                        LIST OF RESEARCH OUTPUT PUBLISHED
       FACULTY                  TITLE OF ARTICLE                 NAME OF              EXTENT OF             YEAR OF
     RESEARCHERS                                                 JOURNAL             CIRCULATION          PUBLICATION
      Tomas, Joan A        The level of implementation of     International Journal     International          2019
                           poverty alleviation programs in     of Scientific  and
                           Isabela, Philippines                  Technology
                                                               Vol. 8, Issue 10

                           Thecitizen's perspective on         Journal of Critical      International       June, 2020
                           emergency measures in times of      Reviews, ISSN-
                           natural disasters of local         2394-5125, Vol 7,
                           government unit                         Issue 11
                           Policy-regulatory framework         Journal of Critical      International        May 2020
                           governing the provision of          Reviews, ISSN-
                           capacity building programs for     2394- 5125, Vol 7,
                           local government units in the           Issue 11
                           Higher Education Institutions      Journal of Critical       International       June 2020
                           Capacity Building Programs for     Reviews, ISSN -
                           Local Government Units             2394-5125, Vol. 7,
                                                                  Issue 15
                           Citizen Satisfaction with Basic    Journal of Critical       International       June 2020
                           Services in Santiago City,         Reviews, ISSN -
                           Philippines                        2394-5125, Vol. 7,
                                                                  Issue 15
    Reario, Ma. Rita A.    Citizen Satisfaction with Basic    Journal of Critical       International       June 2020
                           Services in Santiago City,         Reviews, ISSN -
                           Philippines                        2394-5125, Vol. 7,
                                                                  Issue 15
                           Implementation ofFull Disclosure   Journal of Critical       International       June 2020
                           Policy of the Three Cities of the    Reviews, ISSN -
                           Province of Isabela, Philippines   2394-5125, Vol. 7,
                                                                  Issue 15
     Gallena, Jose Jr.     Qualitative Analysis of the         Journal of Critical      International       June 2020
                           Therapeutic Community: Basis        Reviews, Vol 7,
                           for Corrections to Offenders            Issue 14


         DahleeS. Pascua, Ph.D
         College ResearchCoordinator

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