Page 8 - BPA PPP-Area-V
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Reario, Ma. Rita A. Project Title: The Role of Local Government in Local On- going P 60,000.00
Economic Development Promotion: The Case of
Echague, Isabela
Study1:Business Owners’Satisfactionin Processing
Business Permits in Echague, Isabela
Study3:Investment Opportunities throughMengalFestival
ComparativeAnalysis ontheImplementation ofFull On- going P 45,000.00
Disclosure Policy in theThreeCities ofIsabela
TracerStudyontheGraduatesofIsabela StateUniversity On- going P 498,400.00
Echague Campus
Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability: On- going P 50,000.00
Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic Response of Local
Governments in the Province of Isabela
Study1.LocalGovernmentBestPractices forCOVID-19
Management in Isabela
Ruiz, Joan T. Project Title: The Role of Local Government in Local On- going P 60,000.00
Economic Development Promotion: The Case of
Echague, Isabela
Study4.LocalResourceMobilization in theMunicipality of Echague
Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability: P 50,000.00
Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic Response of Local
Governments in the Province of Isabela
Study3.TheCovid-19 RecoveryEffortsofLocal
Governments in Isabela
Managuelod, Jessica C. Project Title:TheRole ofLocalGovernmentin Local Economic On- going P 60,000.00
Development Promotion: The Case of Echague, Isabela
Study 2. Tax Collection Strategies in the Municipality
of Echague, Isabela: An Assessment
Farmer’s AwarenessandFactors Affecting Farmer’s On- going P 45,000.00
Acceptance to Grow Rice Straw Mushroom in
Project Title: Performance ofcollege studentsduring On- going P 15,000.00
COVID-19 Pandemic
Study4:Evaluation ofFlexible LearningStrategies of Isabela
State University
Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability: On- going P 50,000.00
Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic Response of Local
Governments in the Province of Isabela
Study2.ImpactoftheCOVID-19Crisis in theProvince
Manaligod, Joana May Project Title: Resilience, Accountability, andVulnerability: On- going P 50,000.00
Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic Response of Local
Governments in the Province of Isabela
Study2.ImpactoftheCOVID-19Crisis in theProvince
DahleeS. Pascua, Ph.D
College ResearchCoordinator
6|Pa g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaV:TheResearch/BPA