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Institution’s approved ResearchAgenda
The University research priorities are specified in the University Research Agenda. The agenda were defined
with due consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of various University components and the opportunities and
threatsfromfactorsof theexternalenvironment.
The identification of the University research agenda was based on established commodity-based research
thrusts from which ISU developed a name and became known in research. These commodity-based research thrusts
ineightthematic thrustsinclude:
1. Precision (smart) agriculture: rice and corn, aerobic and upland rice, industrial crops (rubber,
2. Organicagriculture: banana,rice, corn,legumes(mungbean,peanut)andindigenousvegetables; root
pig); (1/2) Precision (smart)/ organic agriculture: dry land crops (pigeon pea, peanut, sweet sorghum);
smallruminants(goat, sheep);largeruminants(dairy cattle,carabao);
3. Fisheries/Aquaculture:Tilapia, hito,ulang;
4. Farmmachineries,metalcraft, electronicsandsemiconductors;
5. Watershedandbiodiversity;
6. Highereducationandsocial science;
7. Disaster risk reduction and management: hydro meteorological hazards in Cagayan river basin and
island communities; climate change adaptation strategies; policies development strategies and
institutionsfor CCAandDRRM;
8. Renewableenergy:microhydro, solarenergy,biomassandbiofuel.
In addition, the University shall focus on seven research thematic thrusts based on international and national
(1) Smart/ PrecisionAgriculture,
(2) OrganicAgriculture,
(3) RenewableEnergyandBiofuels,
(4) ClimateChangeandDisaster Science,
(5) BiodiversityandEnvironment,
(6) Farmmechanization, and
(7) Socio-EconomicsandHigherEducation.
With these “commodity-based” research thrusts and the thematic research thrusts as simultaneous
considerations for potential sources of potential researchable areas, and based on external environment (opportunities
and threats) and internal (ISU’s strengths and weaknesses), the University research agenda were generated. The
research agenda, with built in dynamics of flexibility, shall be the guide in the formulation of research proposals and the
basisofapprovingresearchsupportbytheUniversity.TheUniversityResearchAgendaisperiodicallyupdatedwhen new
andUniversity’s R&DManual of Operations
1|Pa g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaV:TheResearch/BPA