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Approved ResearchManual
                                                            The Manual of Operation for Research and Development of
                                                            Isabela State University is based on the ISU Research and
                                                            Development, Extension and Training (RDET) Manual
                                                            approvedbythe UniversityBoardof Regents(BOR)onJune
                                                            14, 2010 through Resolution No. 10, s. 2010. OnSeptember
                                                            2014 (Resolution No. 63 s. 2014) the ISU Board of Regents
                                                            approved a new set of institutional and financial incentives
                                                            for University researchers who have published research
                                                            outputs  in  recognized   publications/have  registered
                                                            inventions, and other research-related outputs. All of these
                                                            new developments were incorporated and made part and
                                                            parcelof theR&DManual of Operations.

                                                          The Isabela State University, in order to cope up with the
                                                          recent developments and rapidly changing landscape in the
                                                          Philippines and ASEAN region. R&D arena in recent years,
                                                          needto updateits policies to becompetitiveandbeatparwith
                                                          other HEIs in the country and the region. For the said
                                                          purposes, the existing ISU Research and Development
                                                          Manual of Operations was updated and revised. Included and
                                                          integrated in appropriate sections are general policies and
                                                          guidelines on strengthening Research, Instruction, Production
                                                          and Extension (RIPE), this was approved during the URDET
                                                          CouncilmeetingonAugust42017andat the BORCommittee
                                                          ConsultativeMeetingheldonSeptember8, 2017.

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