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ISU invested majority of the RDE funds on agriculture and aquaculture-related programs and projects at 97.04%. The
remaining fund is used for RDE on health (1.21%), energy (0.62%), higher education (0.77%) and public governance
(0.37%). It is noted that 63% of the agricultural commodity investment is provided for livestock and poultry researches,
followedbyfisheries sector at18%andfor cropsat10%.
Php 90,939,056.00 of the total investment (37%), followed by freshwater fisheries RDE program with PhP 28,094,812.00
(12%)anddairycattle RDEprogramwith PhP23,147,212.00(9%).
Considering the classification of RDE activities, 53% of the grant is used for applied research; while 12% of the total
fund is utilized for basic research. Under the same period, the University started to promote and commercialized
technologies generated wherein 6% and 8% of the grant are used for technology promotion and commercialization,
respectively. In supportto theadvancementof RDEcommunitywithin theUniversity,20%ofthegrantis usedfor institutional
development in which laboratories equipped with modern equipment were established. Furthermore, 1% of the grant is for
continuouscapabilitybuildingof researchers
Expenditure Item CY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
1. Researcher’s
2. Supplies and Materials
3. Travel and Fuel
4. Capability Building 6,514,464.35 5, 6,838,399.83 9,856,534.24 3,594,644.39
5. Acquisition of 870,431.50
6. Repair of Facilities
7. Others
TOTAL 6,514,464.35 5, 6,838,399.83 9,856,534.24
*as of November2020, SB164Fund,asof November 2020, MOOE101Fund
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