Page 7 - flip book- How To Survive Baby Loss
P. 7

it. Would God meet me here? Would Jesus show up and weep
               with me? My mind knew God’s love. My lips proclaimed it. But
               my heart was torn. “Why did this have to happen? Why did my
               child have to go?”
                  Jesus gave me peace when there was no human reason for
               peace. Jesus met me even when I was unable to pray. By his
               grace, I made it. You will too.
                  This ebook is not meant to be a comprehensive guide, or one
               that will magically make you feel better. Rather, my goal is to
               normalize your grief by hearing my story and the stories of oth-
               ers, and hopefully to provide you with some helpful thoughts
               and suggestions bought and paid for by my own trial through
               this tragic process. I will also include quotes from other moth-
               ers of “angel babies” that show what surviving has been like for
               them. To those who added what was helpful, I am indebted and
               eternally grateful.

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