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10/18         W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance

                        Appendix 10.1: CII Code of Ethics

                                2.  You must act with the highest ethical standards
                                    and integrity.

                                This includes, but is not limited to:  Key questions:
                                2.1  being honest and trustworthy;  •   What would an outsider think of
                                                                     what I am doing, and does this
                                2.2   being reliable, dependable
                                    and respectful;                  matter ethically?
                                2.3   not taking unfair advantage of a client,   •     How would my actions look to the CII?
                                    a colleague or a third party;  •     Should I discuss my proposed actions
                                2.4   not bringing the financial services   with my superior or another appropriate
                                    industry or the CII into disrepute   person or the CII?
                                    whether through your actions in work    •     Do I know if my organisation has an
                                    or outside work;
                                                                     ethical code and do I fully understand it?
                                2.5   not offering or accepting gifts,
                                    hospitality or services which could,    •     Does my organisation reward good
                                    or might appear to, imply an     ethical behaviour?
                                    improper obligation;          •     Does my organisation follow a whistle
                                2.6   promoting professional standards   blowing policy?
                                    within the industry;          •     How can I promote trust in my
                                2.7   encouraging your organisation to   organisation and the financial           Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                                    produce an ethical code;         services industry?
                                2.8   making sure your CII membership or   •    Do people trust me?  If not, why not?
                                    chartered status is described correctly;
                                                                  •    Do I think it is OK if I don’t get caught?
                                2.9   informing the CII of any change in your
                                    work or circumstances which affect your   •     Do I say “show me where it says I can’t”
                                    membership or chartered status; and  or do I say “is this ethical”?
                                2.10  operating both professionally and   •     Why am I being entertained or
                                    in a financially responsible manner   offered hospitality?
                                    including avoiding personal insolvency.

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