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10/20         W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance

                        Appendix 10.1: CII Code of Ethics

                                4. You must provide a high level of service.

                                This includes, but is not limited to:  Key questions:
                                4.1   communicating with each client in a way   •    Do I do what I say I will do and do it
                                    that is accurate and straightforward and   when I say I will?
                                    expressed in a way that the individual
                                    client can understand;        •     How can I improve the service I give
                                                                     my clients?
                                4.2   being transparent about fees and
                                    other costs;                  •    Am I approachable?
                                4.3   making sure reasonable steps are taken   •     Do I give and receive constructive
                                    to ensure all advice is accurate and   feedback to/from colleagues?
                                    suitable for the individual client;
                                                                  •     Does my organisation seek feedback
                                4.4   obtaining and providing clear   from clients?
                                    information before, during and after the
                                    point of sale;                •     Does my organisation have a swift
                                                                     and effective mechanism for resolving
                                4.5   ensuring adequate and correct records   complaints?
                                    are kept;
                                                                  •    Do I learn from complaints?
                                4.6   acting with skill, care and diligence;
                                                                  •    Do I take complaints seriously?           Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                                4.7   acting only within your ability and
                                    authorisation and seeking help    •     Can I improve my knowledge by
                                    where necessary;                 additional training?
                                4.8   ensuring your knowledge and expertise   •     Do I encourage subordinates to increase
                                    is kept up-to-date and relevant for    their knowledge?
                                    your work;
                                                                  •    Do I ask for help when I need it?
                                4.9   ensuring those who work for you have
                                    appropriate training and supervision   •     Does my organisation have systems
                                    and contributing to their learning and   for managing paperwork and data
                                    development; and                 which work?
                                4.10  if it is within your control, making sure   •     Does my organisation assess
                                    your firm has a clear written complaints   customer satisfaction and provide
                                    procedure which is followed.     feedback to employees?

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