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2/4           W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance

                        Having looked at the types of insurance buyer we now move on to look at the insurance market itself, i.e.
                        who participates in it and what their roles are.

    2                   B     Insurers
    Chapter             You will remember from chapter 1 that an insurance company enables individuals and businesses to

         An insurance
         company is primarily  transfer risks that they are not willing or able to bear for themselves. Insurance companies operate by
         in the business of  the ‘law of large numbers’ where they pull these risks together and, with the premiums collected from
         taking risks
                        their policyholders, pay claims to those who suffer the insured loss or peril known as the ‘insured event’.
                        Insurers may be distinguished from one another in terms of ownership and function. Firstly, in terms of
                        ownership, there are a number of categories:
                        • Limited liability/proprietary companies.
                        • Mutual companies.
                        • Captive companies.
                        • Protection and indemnity (P&I) clubs.
                        • Lloyd’s.
                        We will now look at the main features of these different types of these and consider Lloyd’s on its own
                        later in section D.

                        B1 Types of insurer – defined by ownership

                        B1A Limited liability/proprietary companies

                        These companies are owned by shareholders (also known as proprietors) who, in buying shares,
                        contribute to the share capital of the firm. Therefore, company profits, after expenses, taxes, reserves,
                        and, in the case of life business, bonuses for with-profits policyholders, are distributed to the
                        shareholders.                                                                            Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                        Limited liability means that a shareholder’s liability for the company’s debts is limited to the nominal
                        value of the shares they own (the original face value of the shares). Some are publicly quoted companies
                        with a share value stated in recognised financial exchanges.

                        B1B Mutual companies
                        In contrast to limited liability/proprietary companies, mutual companies are owned by the policyholders.
                        In theory, the policyholders are liable for any losses made by the company, although in reality mutual
                        companies are limited by guarantee, with a policyholder’s maximum liability usually limited to their
                        premium. Insurers owned in this way can demutualise, which means they become limited liability

                        B1C Captive insurers

                        A captive is an insurance company established by its parent company or group (usually large
                        corporations) that provides insurance coverage primarily, if not solely, to that parent company.
                        Under this arrangement, the parent company buys insurance from its own captive company, which then
                        transfers part of the risk to reinsurance companies. From this, the parent company expects several
                        benefits: it can price risk based on its own loss experience instead of the average premium that an
                        insurance company charges; it can avoid payments for expenses and profits that would otherwise be
                        incurred by an insurance company; captive insurers can tap directly into the reinsurance market, so the
                        parent company of a captive insurer can access a lower cost reinsurance market; premiums paid to the
                        captive company can be treated as a business expense for corporate tax purposes, although in the USA
                        the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) disallows such deductions if a captive insurance company transacts
                        no other business outside the parent company.
                        You should note that captive insurers do not offer insurance to the general public.
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