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                                                                        Good faith

                Contents                                                  Syllabus learning
                Learning objectives

                Key terms
                A Principle of utmost good faith                          3.8
                B Duty of disclosure                                      3.8, 3.9, 3.10
                C Material facts                                          3.10                                       Chapter
                D Consequences of non-disclosure and misrepresentation    3.8, 3.11                                  5
                E Compulsory insurances                                   3.9

                Key points
                Self-test questions                                                                              Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training

               Learning objectives
               After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
               • explain the difference between utmost good faith and good faith and how they apply to contracts of
               • describe the duty of disclosure in insurance and state how it may be modified by policy wordings;
               • describe the ways in which insurers may limit their entitlement to disclosure of information;
               • define a material fact and a material circumstance and their importance;
               • describe when the duty of disclosure is replaced with a duty to take care not to make a
               • describe the duty to make a fair presentation of a risk and how it arises; and
               • describe the consequences of non-disclosure, misrepresentation or a breach of the duty of fair
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