Page 16 - M97TB9_2018-19_[low-res]_F2F_Neat2
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14            M97/February 2018  Reinsurance

                         7:  Contract wordings
                         A Main features of facultative and treaty wordings                       7/3
                         B Clauses common to proportional and non-proportional wordings           7/9
                         C Clauses used in proportional wordings                                  7/19
                         D Clauses used in non-proportional wordings                              7/25

                         E Treaty exclusions                                                      7/39

                         8:  Legal issues relating to reinsurance
                         A The law applicable to reinsurance contracts                            8/2
                         B Interpreting contractual documents – key issues and case law           8/7
                         C Express terms                                                          8/9
                         D Implied terms                                                          8/17

                         E Limitation                                                             8/19

                         9:  Reinsurance market
                         A Nature of the reinsurance market                                       9/2
                         B Global reinsurance markets                                             9/6
                         C Captive insurance companies                                            9/15
                         D Market cycles                                                          9/19
                         E Financial strength ratings                                             9/24

                         F Terrorism                                                              9/28           Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training

                         10: Property reinsurance
                         A Reinsuring a property account                                          10/2
                         B Underwriting features of proportional reinsurance                      10/5
                         C Underwriting features of non-proportional reinsurance                  10/8

                         11: Casualty reinsurance

                         A Reinsuring a casualty account                                          11/2
                         B Motor                                                                  11/6
                         C Personal accident                                                      11/9
                         D Employers’ liability                                                   11/12
                         E Workers’ compensation                                                  11/14
                         F Public liability                                                       11/17
                         G Products liability                                                     11/21

                         H Professional indemnity                                                 11/23
                         I  Medical malpractice                                                   11/24
                         J Trade credit, surety, political risks, fidelity insurance and bonds    11/25
                         K Miscellaneous risks                                                    11/31
                         L Claims management                                                      11/33
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