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called life. We’re steadily moving towards a goal The need of the hour is to make our children ready
away from ‘factory model of schooling’ where one for life. Amidst a year that was designed to test our
size fits all. This pandemic has taught us that mettle, offering us challenges galore and through
nothing is permanent and no policy will stay every challenge, the opportunity to grow and
forever. Twenty years from now our students will be evolve, we have emerged triumphant. “Education
employed in jobs that haven’t even been created for life” is redefined in a unique sense – we revelled
yet. Therefore, the only way to equip them to take in being able to discover new ways, means and
on the ever-changing world is to impart in them, tools, in the realisation that truly, we are all
the right skills, a kind heart and a strong mind. learners and there can never be a limit to
knowledge and learning.
Let’s walk on this path together and watch Pacificans
reach the final destination, Our Mountain Top!
I feel elated to congratulate my esteemed
Awani Singh management, principal, teachers, students and
Headmistress parents for the first edition of ‘Pacificans Milieu.’ It’s
MESSAGE FROM an unsurpassed joy to embark on this journey as a
team, where the vision of education spreads far
THE PRE-PRIMARY beyond the classrooms. Where each member is
eagerly working
MESSAGE FROM COORDINATOR generations with knowledge, values and ethics!
“One test of the correctness of educational
Pre-Primary Coordinator
procedure is the happiness of the child.”
The privilege of taking stock of a journey cannot be — Maria Montessori
granted while moving along with one’s incredible
activity and endeavor. The beauty of simple The school is truly a ‘Sanctum of Learning and
reflection feeds on the bower of a “PAUSE”. Evolving’ which helps lay the foundation of a child’s
life. As the child leaves the threshold of his/her
In this moment, I pause! I sit here with my thoughts, home and steps into the second home, it becomes
and look at our journey, almost like a trekker, imperative to not only provide a conducive learning
sitting on a stone on her way to the top and environment, but also to provide an environment
enjoying the view from a distance. A trekker, who is where the child feels loved, safe and welcomed.
scaling the heights of the final destination, rejoicing
the trail that leads to it and at the same time, At Pacific World School, it’s our priority to create a
cherishing how far they have climbed as a team. personalized environment for our children, to
I remember it as if it were yesterday, the first day of foster their holistic development and make them
the first batch of students of Pacific World School, happy human beings. The beaming countenances
the day when the school building came alive with of our children is what makes our school, a ‘Happy
laughter and tears (due credit given to Nursery kids School!’
who were crying at full blast). Now when I write my
message for our maiden edition of The Pacificans To keep up with the 21 century skills our
Milieu, I am reminded of the many milestones that curriculum is designed in a way that it brings out
we as a school have achieved and are yet to achieve the inherent skills of each child, providing them
in the years to come. Each student, each member, with ample opportunities to learn, grow, share, and
even the bricks and tufts of grass, the school in its prosper. The countless hands-on activities undertaken
glorious entirety is very close to my heart. Each day on a regular basis enables the learners to be
I get fueled by the passion and creativity I witness creative, self -reliant, patriotic and sensitive human
every day. Sheer joy and delight fill my heart as I beings; who understand that by little efforts we can
travel from one class to another. bring about positive changes in our social fabric.
Pacific World School has embarked on a journey of We believe that as a team of parents, mentors and
creating sensitive, empathetic, technologically wise school, we make this odyssey of learning and
and morally responsible leaders of tomorrow and growing an enriching one. They are ‘Our Children’
my heart swells with pride as the first magazine of and hence every effort is made to nurture them! I
the school reaches fruition. We dream of creating a am fortunate to have a committed and supportive
leading school where Technology and Art, Morality management, guidance and leadership of our
and Science, Religion and Tolerance and Employment dynamic principal, dedicated team of teachers,
and Self Fulfilment are not seen in isolation rather caring and cooperative parents which blend
as integral and inseparable segments of this journey harmoniously to create a child-centric school.
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