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                                                                                                                                                                              Radiance in Rhythm
               The Orientation Day of Pacific World School for the
               session 2019-20 was conducted on April 6, 2019 to
               welcome the new entrants of the Pacific family and                                                                    guests, parents and all my new friends, for being     When  the  programme  commenced,  Principal
               to apprise them of the school curriculum along with                                                                  such a wonderful audience. The bond of love           ma’am addressed the audience and apprised us
               various guidelines and policies. Along with various                                                                  and mutual respect got a few shades deeper as         about  the  school  culture,  teaching  processes,
               presentations  on  the  rules,  principles,  values  and                                                             we  participated  together  and  witnessed  the       specialised  sports  activities,  examination  rules
               ethics of the school, parents were also taken on a                                                                   excitement in the eyes of the new students. I will    etc.
               virtual school round with its world-class infrastructure,                                                            cherish this experience forever.”                     The orientation was complemented by various
               reinstating  the  school’s conviction  to  nurture  and                                                              Manya Gupta                                           cultural events.
               mould students into sensitive, enthusiastic and confident              Compering With Style                           VIII A
               individuals.                                                             and Confidence                                                                                     I felt delighted that I was going to be a part of
                                                                                                                                    “What a memorable and wonderful day it was.           this school and will get a platform where I could
             “On  6   April  2019,  the  Pacific  family  grew,  as  new                                                             When  I  entered  the  auditorium  as  a  new         learn new things in each field, be it academics,
             students and teachers were welcomed to join the school                                                                 student,  I  was  completely  surprised  to  see  the   sports or co-curricular activities.”
             fraternity on its second Orientation Day. The programme                                                                arrangements done by the school.                      Vaibhav Sinha
             started  with  a  mesmerizing  fusion  of  Kathak  and                                                                                                                       VIII A
             Bharatanatyam dance on “Saraswati Vandana”, of which
             I was a part. While rehearsing, I learnt how to tap my feet
             precisely  along  the  rhythmic  beats,  and  enjoyed  the
             shingle of the hundred ankle bells as they moved with my
             feet. It was an enthralling experience.

             Our  lovely  Principal  and  our  guru,  Ms  Seema  Kaur
             extended a warm welcome to all the new parents and
             introduced them to the various systems and procedures
             being  followed  in  the  school.  It  featured  our  school’s
             vision and experiential learning methods. I would like to
             specially  mention  here  that  I  got  the  opportunity  to
             deliver the Vote of Thanks. I thanked all of the esteemed

                                                                                                                                                                           The Beginning of a Journey

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                                                 The Future is Here and it’s Bright                                                                                      The Audience in Rapt Attention
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