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“Earth Day was celebrated with much aplomb.                        VISTA 2019
                                                                 A special assembly was conducted. Comparison
                                                                 of  the  earth  at  different  periods  was  made
                                                                 through a skit. The skit made us pause and                         BRUSH STROKES
                                                                 ponder on our relationship with the environment. It
                                                                 sensitised  us  to  the  imminent threats that
                                                                 mother earth is continuously facing. We pledged                    AND MORE
                                                                 to  follow  the  three  R’s-  Reduce,  Reuse  and

                                                                 Ayan Kaushik                                                       An altogether different dimension of learning unfolded
                                                                 VI A                                                               with  VISTA,  an  art exhibition organised on  17   May
                                                                                                                                    2019  at  Pacific  World  School.  Students  picked  up
                                                                 “In the Earth Day Assembly, we presented a                         pencils  and  brushes  and  gave  expressions  to  their
                                                                                                                                    imagination as they created magic on paper.
                                                                 play ‘Prakriti Kare Pukar’. It was a very meaningful
                                                                 play that taught us through comparison of the                      VISTA 2019 was a beautiful confluence of myriad art                Encouraging Through Appreciation
                                                                 Earth of 1970, 2020 and 2050 that how the                          forms  from  basic drawings  and  paintings  to  Jamini
                                                                 human race is destroying the only planet that                      Roy paintings, from Shadow Painting to Stained Glass          “Vista-2019  was  truly  a  spectacular
                                                                 we have to live in. In the play, the Earth finally dies             Painting,  from  Thread  Art  to  Nail  Art,  Sanjhi  Art  to   event. Various jaw-dropping artworks
                                                                 because  of  the  hazardous  gases  and  other                     Newspaper Art, from Doodle Art to Rajasthani Painting         were created by us. That scene is still
                                                                 abusive activities of the humans. We learnt that                   and Madhubani Art. Craftwork like Blow Art, Pebble            fresh  in  my  mind.  It  appeared  as  if
                                                                 we should keep our mother earth clean.”                            Art, Spoon Painting were not only beautifully made            cultures  from  around  the  states  of
                                                                 Aakriti Prakash                                                    but also aesthetically displayed in the school’s Multi        India  were  having  a  fest  here-  from
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Madhubani  paintings  of  North  to
                                                                                                                                    Purpose  Hall.  The  event  encouraged  some  lively
                                                                 V A                                                                discussions about art amongst our children and visitors.      Jamini Roy of East. These immensely
                                                                                                                                    The  art exhibition  also witnessed  beautifully crafted      beautiful paintings formed an ocean
                                                                                                                                    wildlife and luminescent sea creatures by the little ones     of colours. What a refreshing sight it
                                                                                                                                    of Nursery & Prep who created magic to depict the             was!”
                                                                                                                                    wonderful  creations  of  God!  Parents  attending  the       Ishita Tripathi
                                                                                                                                    exhibition  were  left  spellbound  by  the  grace  and       VI A
                                                                                                                                    beauty as well as the display of their wards’ creative

                                                       Prakriti Kare Pukaar

                                                                                                                                                                           Art Knows No Boundaries

         18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
                                                       Pledging to Protect                                                                                                  Everyone Loves Colours
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