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INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                         LION KING

             DAY OF YOGA                                                                                                           THE GREATEST ROAR

                                                                                                                                   FOR JUSTICE!
             “The body is your temple. Keep it pure and
             clean for the soul to reside in.”
                                                                                                                                    “All the world’s a stage and all the men
             - B.K.S Iyengar                                                                                                        and women merely players.”

                                                                                                                                    - William Shakespeare
            HEALTHY LIVING,                                                                                                         After the popularity of the Disney Animated

            GREAT THINKING                                                                                                          Feature Film- The Lion King in theatres, it was
                                                                                                                                    once again showcased on the Pacific stage
                                                                                                                                    by  the  students  of  classes  I  &  II  on  28
                                                                                                                                    September 2019. The story in the form of a play
                                                                                      Be Inspired to Inspire                        marvelled  the  audience  with  the  dialogue
             Pacific  World  School  celebrated  International  Yoga                                                                 delivery, expressions and dancing in rhythmic
             Day with full enthusiasm. The motive was to highlight                                                                  precision.
             the importance of Yoga in one’s life. The morning of 21
             June 2019 wore a robe of ethereal tranquillity as the                                                                  The  awe-inspiring  show  portrayed  the
             school  premise  reverberated  with  mystic  chanting                                                                  transformation  of  Simba  from  a  timid  cub,
             and positivity.  Teachers of DPS Indirapuram, DPS R.N                                                                  suffering the remorse of his father’s death to
             Extension and Pacific World School commemorated                                                                         a confident ruler of the pack ready to confront
             the  International  Yoga  Day  together  under  the                                                                    his invincible and extremely shrewd uncle Scar.
             tutelage and inspiration of the Chairperson of Pacific                                                                  This time too, the beautiful and adventurous
             World School Ms Santosh Bansal. After a wholesome                                                                      story  of  the  young  and  brave  lion  Simba
             yoga session, as directed by the Ministry of Ayush,                                                                    undoubtedly won everyone’s heart!
             Chairperson Ms Bansal urged every teacher to adopt
             yoga as a lifestyle to be fit and healthy in body, mind
             and soul.                                                                                                              “It  was  a  fantabulous  experience  to  act  as

             During  the  lockdown  period  also,  we  observed  the                                                                Shenzi, the queen of hyena in the Lion King.
             International Yoga Day by organising a Yoga Session                                                                    My  parents  were  overwhelmed  to  see  the
             for  the  students  virtually.  It  was  to  make  students                                                            performance. I can never forget our teamwork.”         “Mujhe Lion King acha laga because mujhe
             aware  of  the  significance  of  yoga  and  to  motivate                                                                                                                      dance karna bahut pasand hai.”
             them to make yoga an integral part of their life,  to stay                                                             Akeera Malik
             mentally agile and physically fit.                                                                                      II B                                                   Devanshi Dabral
                                                                                                                                                                                           I A
                                                                                                                                    “I really enjoyed dancing. I had a lot of fun
                                                                                                                                    with  my  friends  during    the  practice             “My  costume  was  so  colourful.  I  loved
                                                                                                                                    sessions.”                                             wearing it!”
                                                                                                                                    Aadhya Khaneja                                         Arnav Goyal
                                                                                                                                    I A                                                    I A

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                                                                                                                                                                      Hakuna Matata- No Worry...Be Happy!
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