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“People without the knowledge of their past,
origin and culture are like a tree with no
Here are the Pure Souls
- Marcus Garvey
“I had dressed up as a joker and danced to
the ‘Hakuna Matata’ song. I enjoyed dancing The Unknown is Now KNOWN
on the stage.” NURTURING THE
Divyansh Tewari
“My heart was pounding when I went on the
stage, but I gathered my courage and gave Pacific World School in collaboration with dance performance by Padma Shri Geeta
my best shot. I danced, acted, and enjoyed Spic Macay organised a Bharatanatyam Chandran ma’am. Her energy level,
to the fullest.” Lecture cum Demonstration by Padma Shri confidence, poise and grace reached the
Davik Doda Geeta Chandran on Thursday, 24 October audience and touched their hearts despite
II C 2019. The programme was organised by Spic the distance between the stage and the
Macay which is a forum to popularise seating area. The performance was a true
“I learnt a new dance form and relived the classical art forms of India among the youth. reflection of the rich culture of India.”
whole story of the Lion King. I realised the Students of DPS Siddharth Vihar, BGS Naisha Nigam
value of courage.” Vijnatham and DWPS Greater Noida also IV A
witnessed this ethereal experience.
Anushree Airen I am Gonna Be the Mighty King
II A Ms Chandran mesmerised the audience “I feel privileged that I got a chance to
through her soulful dance. It was a divine watch the live performances of Geeta
experience for all present in the auditorium, Chandran ma’am and her student, Madhura
as the confluence of music, taal and ma’am. They performed gracefully together.
abhinaya transported them into a mystic During her lecture, Geeta ma’am told us that
existence. it is only through hard work, discipline and
The students were enthralled by the perseverance that we can achieve our
presentation and this is what they had to say!
“I can’t thank my school enough for giving Parnika Awasthi
me the opportunity to witness a mesmerising
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Beauty and Grandeur of The Lion King Felicitation of Padma Sri Geeta Chandran by Ms Nidhi Bansal, Pro-Vice Chairperson, Pacific World School