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“Our school organized a wonderful Winter “Last year, Pacific World School had organized a
Carnival. Our class managed a stall in which marvellous CARNIVAL and named the LEVERAGING THEORY FOR
we had organised two games. My task was amazing event – ACE ADVENTURA.
to make the stall look attractive and bring in Many stalls were put up including games, PRACTICAL LEARNING- ‘SCI- ’
more people. We learnt life skills like teamwork, food, adventure activities, shops selling
collaboration and public speaking. It was a lot handicraft items etc. One particular stall
of fun and it was a grand success.” which stood out, was the stall by the student
Aarush Gupta council, and fortunately, I was a part of it. “Everything is theoretically impossible until it’s done.”
IV A It was a very lively stall and we sold various - Robert A. Heinlein
things like different kinds of plants and
manure fresh from our school, candles, ‘Sci- ’, the annual Science and Mathematics Assimilating knowledge, implementing it in
pickles, chutneys and many more items exhibition held on Jan 18, 2020 was a real-life situations and igniting a passion for
which we ourselves prepared. collaborative effort to unravel the existence scientific sensibility among the young Pacificans
Even the preparation for the event was quite of Science and Mathematics that pervade in were the intentions behind this endeavour.
absorbing and fun. Students stayed back the most miniature aspect of day-to-day life The excitement of the students knew no
after the school hours to prepare the items to the vast extent of the universe. bound as they planned, prepared and
and we were taught how to put together the The students demonstrated the experiments demonstrated their projects and models
The Spooky Grove spicy chutney, mayonnaise dip, schezwan and working models such as water cycle, before the inquisitive and enthusiastic visitors
chutney etc. Going through this experience ways to conserve water, pulley crane, lever on the day of the exhibition.
enriched my culinary skills to a great extent.
“The event was amazing. It was organised in model, rainwater harvesting, geodesic “It was a sleepless night, full of excitement
the school ground which was beautifully It was a memorable day and I am eagerly greenhouse dome, carbon footprint survey, and tension. I was nervous- what if I falter
decorated. Parents were greeted on the red waiting for more such events…” coal and petroleum timeline model, Newton’s while speaking about my project! Next
carpet by the students. God was happy and Aiman Jain cradle, neutralisation of acid in stomach, morning, I took my position assigned by my
provided a cold and sunny afternoon. I was VIII A light and its properties model, Fibonacci teacher. Initially, I was nervous but since my
a part of the flash mob and gave a series (decoding secret patterns of nature) preparation was good, I regained my
power-packed Bhangra presentation. Parents to name a few, with passion and confidence. confidence. I did my duty very sincerely. The
and students couldn’t resist dancing to the exhibition was a grand success. The hard
beats of popular Punjabi tracks. It was work of the teachers and students paid off. I
indeed a wonderful afternoon which was spoke well and got compliments from the
well spent with family and friends.” parents and visitors. It was an
Gaurisha Paul overwhelming experience.”
V A Ansh Yadav
Pacific Surety Organic Purity
“Every day is a chance to get stronger, to eat
better, to live healthier and to be the best
version of ourselves. In Ace Adventura, we
The Gaming Clan got an opportunity to plunge into action for
the feel-good sensation. We explored and
“Ace Adventura was a very refreshing enjoyed the adrenaline rush. We learnt new Creating a Scientific Ambience Science Skills are Life Skills
experience and the grand fiesta gave us a things like cooking and we also got an
lot of exposure to plan and execute. We put opportunity to enhance our confidence and
up stalls and also learnt how to advertise social skills by meeting the guests and
and attract the crowd to come and play interacting with them.”
exciting games.” Shashwat Singh
Arnav Mishra VIII A
“This event was a great opportunity to
enhance our entrepreneurial skills. The
Pacific Surety Organic Purity team, along
with the teacher in charges prepared
pickles. soaps, candles, dips etc. It was a
wonderful hands-on experience working
Sudeshna Dutta
36 Experience The Thrill 37
Our Earth Our Responsibility