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SCHOOL                                                Organic Marketing at its Best!                                   Making Pickles at A Teacher’s House
                                                                                                                                    “It has been rightly said that "A pickle is a
                                                                   “In our annual school carnival, “Ace-Adventura”,
             ENTERPRISE                                            we set up a special stall for all our handmade                   reflection  of  who  you  are.  It  requires  right
                                                                   products  such  as  fresh  organic  vegetables
                                                                                                                                    ingredients, right attitude and patience,"
                                                                   directly  from  our  school’s  garden,  organic
             CHALLENGE-                                            pickles  and  dips  made  by  the  students,                     Making pickles at a teacher’s house as part of
                                                                                                                                    British Council’s School Enterprise Challenge
                                                                   handmade  candles  and  various  types  of
                                                                                                                                    was truly a unique and intriguing experience
                                                                   plants.  Interested  parents  and  visitors  not
             TEACH A                                               only purchased our products but they were                        where I got to work with my peers and teachers
                                                                                                                                    to  revisit  the  creative  art  of  pickle  making
                                                                   extremely fascinated and impressed seeing
                                                                                                                                    which is a tradition many take pride in. Cutting
                                                                   the little entrepreneurs do all the work and
             MAN TO FISH                                           take charge of the stall. This challenge taught                  green chillies, adding spices, boiling, mixing,
                                                                                                                                    packaging  them  was  really  something.  We
                                                                   me a lot about business, its core values and
                                                                                                                                    were also treated to a pizza party after all the
                                                                   even things which will help me in the long
                                                                   run. I’ve learnt many new things whether it be                   work! I really cherished the opportunity. The
                                                                   how to engage people in a particular product                     hands - on experience is something we all are
                                                                   or simply how to manage business and also                        missing during the lockdown.”
                                                                   how  to  effectively  communicate  with  your                     Sudeshna Dutta (VII)
                                                                   customers  and  develop  your  social  skills.  I                Vice Head Girl
                                                                   would like to thank our school and the British
                                                                   Council for giving us a chance to be a part of
             Organic Farming                                       this amazing competition, and our teachers

             “Planting vegetables in our school garden and         for helping us at every step of the competition.”                                                                      Wicked Candles
             selling them was one of the most enlightening         Pratyush Priyadarshi (VIII)                                                                                            “We started by placing a thin, long wick inside
             tasks.  One  of  the  best  things  about  this       Head Boy                                                                                                               different  alluring  shaped  containers.  We
             process was that I was always learning. It was                                                                                                                               melted a huge stack of wax and poured the
             fun to convince people to buy our organic                                                                                                                                    wax in empty diyas, kettles and many more
             vegetables and people bought them too!”                                                                                                                                      astonishing containers which gave an overall
             Aryan Verma (VII)                                                                                                                                                            attractive  look  to  our  candles.  It  was  an
             Cultural President                                                                                                                                                           outstanding experience which enhanced my
                                                                                                                                                                                          knowledge of not only making wax candles,
             A Taste of Making Chutneys                                                                                                                                                   but also gel candles, goat milk-based soaps
                                                                                                                                                                                          etc. Working together as a team in putting
             “I remember it as if it were yesterday, it was a                                                                                                                             together  all  these  items  intensified  our
             jovial Saturday morning and my friends and I                                                                                                                                 teamwork skills and made us a constructive
             were  in  the  cafeteria  kitchen  with  our                                                                                                                                 team while individually it made me a better
             teachers making delicious organic dips and                                                                                                                                   team  player.  I  also  learnt  the  nuances  of
             chutneys  for  the  upcoming  Ace-Adventura                                                                                                                                  marketing and selling.”
             Carnival. I recall that I made spinach chutney
             and hummus. I enjoyed tasting a little bit of                                                                                                                                Aiman Jain (VIII)
             every dip that was made. (As a taste check of                                                                                                                                House Captain (Columbia House)
             course!) It became especially fun when we
             used  a  weighing  scale  for  filling  each  jar
             equally. I learnt several delicious recipes and
             some kitchen tips and tricks (For eg: how to
             peel a garlic clove easily).”
             Manya Gupta (VIII)                                    Cutting  Vegetables in the Cafeteria
             Head Girl                                             Kitchen of the School!
                                                                   “I  was  involved  in  a  number  of  activities
                                                                   during  this  campaign,  but  the  ones  that  I
                                                                   was really intrigued by were the ones that
                                                                   went on behind-the-scenes, especially when
                                                                   we  were  cutting  vegetables  in  the  school
                                                                   canteen.  This  part  of  the  campaign  didn’t
                                                                   just teach me how to cut vegetables, but it
                                                                   also  taught  us  that  there  are  various
                                                                   processes that go on behind-the-scenes to
                                                                   make a product, which the consumer does
                                                                   not  even  think  about.  Through  this
                                                                   campaign, I got to learn a lot, and I’m glad
                                                                   that I got to be a part of it!”
                                                                   Shashwat Singh (VIII)
                                                                   Sports Captain
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