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HEALTH IS                                                                                                               TRANSPORT

            WEALTH                                                                                                                  ACTIVITY

             “It is health that is real wealth, not pieces  of                                                                      Ticket Please...
             gold and silver.”
             -Mahatma Gandhi                                                                                                        What a wonderful sight it was to see all the
                                                                                                                                    means of transport under one roof. Engines,
             To  make  our  young  Pacificans  understand  the                                                                       rockets, cars, buses, motor boats, aeroplanes,                 Sailing Together...Friends Forever
             importance  of  a  healthy  lifestyle,  a  Health  and                                                                 colourful hot air balloons and  helicopters. All
             Hygiene  Activity  was  set-up  in  the  Concept  Lab.                                                                 these means of transport were set up in the
             Children were  sensitized  about  the  importance of                                                                   Plaza Area to teach the little ones about the         “Hum  ne  boat  ko  row  karkar  chalaya  tha.
             keeping oneself and the surroundings clean. Various                                                                    different modes of transport and the several           Bahut maza aaya.”
             health  stations  were  set-up  by  the  Pre-Primary                                                                   ways to get around this beautiful world.              Pakhi Patel
             teachers  like  the  Hand  Washing  Station,  Bathing                                                                                                                        Prep A
             Station,  Hair  Care  Station,  Nose  Blowing  Station,                                                                The Pre-Primary buds participated in a range
             Medical Station, Oral Hygiene Station, and Cleaning                                                                    of activities viz role play, rhyme time, wheels       “I was a pilot. I enjoyed flying an aeroplane
             Station. Children were engaged in various activities                                                                   rolling activity. They came dressed as pilots,        with my friends.”
             like  Hand  Washing  Activity,  Doctor  Check-Up                                                                       air  hostesses,  flight  stewards,  bus  drivers,
             Activity, Grooming Activity, etc. These experiences                       Time for a Haircut                           traffic  policemen,  navy  officers  and  were            Shivay Narayan Sharma
             provided  them  the  opportunity  to  explore  and                                                                     seen  performing  their  duty  with  absolute         Nursery C
             experiment.  The  little  ones  promised  to  be  germ        “Humne  doctor-  doctor  bhi  khela                      dedication.The day buzzed with excitement
             busters  and  break  the germ cycle  by  maintaining          tha, check-up bhi kiya tha. I enjoyed                    and joy and this activity turned out to be a          “Humne saare traffic rules ko follow kiya tha.”
             good hygiene and eating right.                                it a lot.”                                               fun-filled,  fruitful  and  memorable  learning        Pihu Patel

             Let’s see what these little doctors want to advise us         Reyansh M. Upadhyay                                      experience for our young learners.                    Prep A
             for keeping ourselves fit and healthy.                         Prep A                                                   Vroom  Vroom…  this  is what we  did                  “I  played  the  role  of  an  air  hostess  and
                                                                                                                                    outside our classroom!
                                                                           “Hume roz shower lena chahiye taki                                                                             welcomed  all  the  passengers  in  the  Pacific
                                                                           hamare  body  se  saare germs  nikal
                                                                           jaaen.”                                                                                                        Aanya Sinha
                                                                           Mihika Shekhar                                                                                                 Prep C
                                                                           Nursery B
                                                                                                                                                                                          “I like travelling in the airplane. It flies so high in
                                                                           “We should take bath every day.”                                                                               the sky.”
                                                                           Abhimanyu Pandey                                                                                               Navdha Grover Sinha
                                                                                                                                                                                          Nursery C
                                                                           Prep C
                                                                                                                                                                                          “I was the Traffic Policeman. I enjoyed blowing
                                                                           “We should take bath with soap and                                                                             the whistle.”
                                                                           wash our hair with shampoo.”
                              Serving, Caring, Healing                                                                                                                                    Aarika Farswan
                                                                           Advait Manindra                                                      Welcome to Pacific Airlines                Prep B
                                                                           Prep B
             “Children should not eat too many sweets.”
             Aanya Sinha                                                                                                            “Mein  traffic  light  bana  tha.  Jab  meine  red
                                                                                                                                    bola, cars stop ho gaye aur jab green bola cars
             Prep C                                                                                                                 move hone lage.”

             “Soap se hand wash karne se sare germs mar jate                                                                        Viaan Gupta
             hain.”                                                                                                                 Nursery B
             Amishi Rastogi
             Nursery A

             “We should cut our nails regularly.”
             Rihansh Srivastava
             Nursery C

             “We must eat healthy food. We should brush our
             teeth twice a day.”
             Nivaan Satyam
             Prep B
                                                                                        Blow and Throw                                              On The Right Track                       Keep Flying...Until You Reach Your Destination!
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