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“I was  very glad when I got the 2                       “Competitions motivate me to practise more and I              “Making  a  Diwali  Craft  from  waste
                                                                           position  in  the  competition.  This                    like it when I have to perform in front of an audience.”      material is a learning experience and
                                                                           competition helped me to improve                         Shanaya Garg                                                  winning it is even more wonderful. I
                                                                           my handwriting.”                                         I A                                                           made  a  lamp  holder  with  a  waste

                                                                           Indrakshi Chakraborty                                                                                                  bottle and CDs. It was really a great
                                                                           I B                                                      “I enjoyed taking part in the competition and learnt          opportunity  to  reuse  and  give  a
                                                                                                                                    how to modulate my voice.”                                    useful meaning to useless things.”
                                                                           “It was a great experience to recite                     Aadvik Tiwari                                                 Mihika Joshi
                                                                           the  poem  on  the  stage.  I  used  a                   I A                                                           IV B
                                                                           colourful prop and stood first in the
                                                                           competition.”                                            “I love telling stories to other people. My classmates
                                                                           Aaryana Vatsa                                            laughed so much while I was narrating my story ‘The           “I love doing craft. I took ideas from
                                                                                                                                                                                                  YouTube  channels  like  “Troom
                               Hurray! It’s Christmas                      I B                                                      Foolish  Tiger’,  and  making  sounds  of  different           Troom”  and  “123  Go”  and  made  a
                                                                                                                                    animals. I was on the top of the world when ma’am             X-mas tree using origami paper, glue
             “I loved putting glitters and cotton on Santa’s socks. I      “It was a great experience for me and                    announced that I had bagged the 1  prize.”                    and scissors.”
             bagged the 3  prize.”                                         helped me to overcome stage fear.”                       Panache Bharti                                                Mysha Nambiar
             Iram Iqbal                                                    Aditya Awasthi                                           I B                                                           IV A
             Nursery A                                                     I A                                                      “I had used dal and other organic material to make

             “We coloured the garden scene. Our school garden is           “I  talked  about  my  country  with                     my beautiful rakhi.”                                          “For     the    character     portrayal
                                                                                                                                                                                                  competition,  when  I  had  become
             also very colourful.”                                         pride. I was happy to secure the 2                       Ridhi Sharma                                                  Genie,  I  was  actually  living  the
                                                                                                                                    I B
             Arnav Khare                                                   position  in  the  Show  and  Tell                                                                                     character and I could feel a special
             Prep B                                                                                                                                                                               power within  me.  I was ecstatic  to
                                                                           Pranav Jain                                                                                                            secure the first position !
             “Mujhe prize mila, toh bahut acha laga. Mama bhi bahut        I B
             khush hui.”                                                                                                                                                                          If I would have been a free Genie in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  real  life,  then with  all  my  powers,  I
             Nivaan Srivastava                                             “I  became  very  confident  after                                                                                      would have surely helped the poor,
                                                                           winning the competition.”
             Prep C                                                                                                                                                                               made  our  environment  cleaner,
                                                                           Nayara Srivastava                                                                                                      turned our Earth into a better place
             “Humne India pe sunaayi thi rhyme. I love my country          I B                                                                                                                    to live in and would have fulfilled my
             and will always take care of it.”                                                                                                                                                    mother's wishes.
             Rushaan Khan                                                                                                                                                                         But  I  still  think  that  we  all  can  be
             Prep B                                                                                                                                                                               Genie in our own way.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  where there is a will...there's a way”
             “I decorated a Christmas tree with glitter and mirrors                                                                                                                               Advait S. Nair
             for my favourite Santa.”                                                                                                                                                             IV A
             Aditya Singhal                                                                                                                         Creating a Colourful World
             Prep D
                                                                                                                                    “I got an opportunity to learn and speak about God's          “For  the  Hindi  Creative  Writing
             “I like competitions, so I never miss them.”                                                                           own country ‘Kerala’. I also wore traditional clothes. I      Competition -Abhivyakti, I chose the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  topic which is very close to my heart
             Sharav Srivastava                                                                                                      wish to go to Kerala and see its culture, back waters,        “Vriksh Lagao, Pradooshan Bhagao''.
                                                                                                                                    sanctuaries, temples, etc.”
             Prep A                                                                                                                                                                               I  expressed  my  feelings  on  paper
                                                                                                                                    Darsh Saxena                                                  and urged everyone to plant more
             “Mujhe  encouragement  award  mila  tha,  mein  aur                                                                    II A                                                          trees  as  trees  are  the  lifeline  of  all
             mehnat karunga aur first aaunga.”                                     The Unstoppable Story Tellers                                                                                   living beings on Earth.”
             Swayam Parida                                                                                                          “I learnt how to save mother earth from pollution. I          Bhuwye Bahukhandi
             Prep C                                                                                                                 was very nervous but I recited the poem quite well            IV A
                                                                                                                                    and  bagged  the  third  Prize.  It  was  a  wonderful
             “Maine flower banaya tha and usme apni picture lagayi                                                                   experience.”
             thi.”                                                                                                                  Mehar Rawat                                                   “Dohas  are  precious  treasures  of
             Divisha Rajput                                                                                                         II B                                                          Indian Culture. I learnt  a lot during
             Prep D                                                                                                                                                                               the competition, I got to know about
                                                                                                                                                                                                  new  Dohas  and  new  words  which
                                                                                                                                    “It was my first project that I made with waste items
             “I created a flower vase out of a plastic bottle and                                                                    at home like cotton, leftover paper balls and colours.        helped me enhance my vocabulary.”
             filled  it  with  paper  flowers  of  white,  green  and                                                                 I used a toothpick to indicate the planet of the Solar        Hridhaan Jaitly
             orange colour.”                                                                                                        system.”                                                      VI A

             Shanvi Panda                                                                                                           Avindra Deogharia
             Prep B                                                                                                                 II C

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