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egkHkkjr ds ik= (Nk=ksa ds fopkj)
Interactive Session on Personal Grooming Adolescence Workshop
esjk fç; fdjnkj lw;Ziq= d.kZ gSA d.kZ dh og ckrsa tks eq>s çHkkfor djrh gSa& In order to motivate students to keep themselves Students of class VIII participated in
lPpk fe=& mlus vius fe= nq;ksZ/ku dk lkFk var rd fn;k Hkys gh mls vius Hkkb;ksa ls clean, healthy, active and positive, an interactive the symposium 'Adolescence- A Period
;q) djuk iM+kA bl ;q) esa og ohjxfr dks çkIr gqvkA session on Personal Grooming was conducted for the of Bumps and Humps' organised by
students of classes II to VIII by Dr. Prerna Taneja on 30 Advance Healthcare Foundation,
nkuohjrk& d.kZ dh nkuohjrk dh dgkfu;k¡ çfl) gSa buesa og dgkuh lcls vf/kd çfl) April, 2019. “You get only 7 seconds to leave a good supported by Aakash Educational
gS ftlesa og tc baæ nso dks vius çk.k j{kd dop&dqaMy nku dj nsrk gSA impression- So make it count” is what she talked about Services Ltd. and Hindustan Petroleum
f'k{kk çkIr djus dh rhoz bPNk& d.kZ Hkys gh dqarh iq= Fkk ijarq og ges'kk lwr iq= dgyk, and motivated students to maintain good personal at C.D Deshmukh Auditorium, India
International Centre on October 23,
hygiene and be well groomed.
vkSj ,sls esa Hkh mUgksaus cM+s la?k"kZ ds lkFk ij'kqjke th ls /kuqfoZ|k lh[khA 2019.
uke&jtqy The symposium witnessed presentations
d{kk& lkroha ^c* and healthy discussions on several
^Jh d`".k* topics like 'Adolescence- An Age
when your Hormones go on a Roller
egkHkkjr esa esjk fç; pfj= Hkxoku Jh d`".k dk gS] D;ksafd og pfj= gesa fl[kkrk gS fd Coaster Ride' by Dr S.K Wangnoo,
le; ifjorZu'khy gS vkSj gesa Hkh le; ds lkFk cnyuk pkfg,A tc Hkh ge iqjkuh fopkj senior consultant, Endocrinology, at
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals; 'Adolescent's
/kkjkvksa ds lkFk fpids jgsaxs rks lekt dk fodkl #d tk,xkA lekt ds fodkl dh #dkoV Addiction to Technology for DOs and
vkSj ck/kk nwj djuk gekjk drZO; gSA ges'kk lgh vkSj lR; dk pquko djuk vkSj mldk lkFk DON'Ts on Social Media' by Dr. Imran
nsuk pkfg,A drZO; dk egÙo crkrs gq, mUgksaus vtqZu dk ekxZn'kZu fd;k vkSj xhrk Kku Noorani, Child & Adolescent Psychologist,
fn;kA okLro esa vxj euq"; vius drZO; dk ikyu djsxk rks mldk vkSj lekt dk fodkl a senior consultant at Sir Gangaram
vo'; gksxkA Hospital; 'Battling Depression- the
Dark Demon that engulfs many
uke&nsoozr lsB Adolescents' by Dr. Smita Deshpande,
d{kk& lkroha ^v* renowned Psychiatrist from Ram
^½f"k osnO;kl* Manohar Lohia Hospital; 'Stop Drug
Abuse, Alcohol Consumption and
Smoking: the evils of today's world'
egkHkkjr esa esjs ilanhnk ik= _f"k osnO;kl gSaA og egkHkkjr ds jpf;rk gSa] muds dkj.k gh by Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Senior Consultant
ges ;g egkdkO; i<+us dks feykA vius bl egkdkO; }kjk mUgksaus laiw.kZ fo'o dks tks f'k{kk Interactive Session on Taking Care of Your Teeth Pulmonologist and one of the
nh og vewY; gSA 'kkld dk drZO;] thou esa fj'rksa dk egÙo] ukjh dk lEeku] lR; dh “The healthier your teeth are, the happier you look.” Associate Directors of Max Super
fot; vkfnA vius bl egkxzaFk ds lkFk og ges'kk ds fy, vej gks x, vkSj gesa Hkxoku Jh An interactive session on ' Taking Care of Teeth' was Speciality Hospital, Vaishali.
d`".k ds opuksa ls ifjfpr djk x,A conducted for the students of classes III to VIII by Dr. It was a wonderful exposure for the
uke&vfodk flag Prerna Taneja on 16 August 2019. students, as they had many of their
d{kk& lkroha ^c* The discussion point was the importance of brushing queries answered by the experts.
teeth regularly and keeping them clean, white and
^vfHkeU;q* healthy. Dr. Prerna gave students tips to practice good
oral hygiene.
eq>s egkHkkjr ds ftl ik= us lcls T;knk çHkkfor fd;k og gS vfHkeU;qA vfHkeU;q vtqZu vkSj
lqHkæk dk iq= FkkA vfHkeU;q ds ckjs esa ;g çfl) gS fd mUgksaus xHkZ esa gh pØO;wg dk Kku çkIr
dj fy;k FkkA tc ;q)Hkwfe esa vtqZu nwj fudy x, rc brus cM+s&cM+s egkjfFk;ksa ds chp og
vdsyk ckyd pØO;wg esa ços'k dj x;k vkSj cM+h ohjrk vkSj lkgl ls yM+kA bl ;q) esa mldks
ohjxfr çkIr gqbZA og okLro esa lkgl vkSj ohjrk dk çrhd gSA
uke&euy flag
d{kk& lkroha ^c*
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