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Workshop on Peer Pressure
A workshop on Peer Pressure was conducted IN SERVICE TRAINING
for the students of classes III-VIII on January
30, 2020 by Mr Sanjay Kaul of Clinic Eximus, to
make the young students aware of the
concept of Peer Pressure, its negative and
positive impact and how to handle it in a “In learning you will teach, and in teaching • A workshop on ‘Classroom Management’
responsible way. you will learn.” was conducted by Mr Tejwant Singh
The students were motivated to have their Grewal on 29 June 2019 for all the
shield of protection, in the form of one’s - Phil Collins teachers of Pacific World School.
conscious decision and valuable guidance of
adults. They were also motivated to say ‘No’ to Education is a never ending process. To keep up
negative peer pressure. with the latest educational standards, expand the
knowledge of teachers and boost the quality of
Workshop on Spreading Awareness on Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse education, a lot of impetus is given to professional
E-Addiction A workshop on ‘Good Touch and Bad Touch’ development and training at Pacific World School.
A workshop on E- Addiction was organised in was conducted for the students of Classes The school firmly believes in ‘Unlearning and
the auditorium on February 4, 2020 for the III-VIII by Parwarish Cares Foundation. The Relearning’ for creating a school that meets the
students of Classes III-VIII, by Mr Sanjay Kaul of resource people inspired the young listeners to requirements of the 21 century learners. Keeping
Clinic Eximus, to sensitise the young digital shed all inhibition and talk straight about how this in mind, the school organises various teacher
natives of the negative consequences of over to be aware of sexual predators and save training programmes and workshops throughout
exposure to gadgets and internet. oneself from being sexually abused. They also the academic year.
The students were highly benefited by the made the students aware of the child helpline
no. 1098 and motivated them to strongly
workshop and it made them aware of the guard their personal space.
Pathological Internet Usage and how to
prevent Internet Addiction Disorder.
• A session on ‘ERP, Smart Class Content
and Smart Board’ was conducted for all
the teachers at Pacific World School by
Ms Shweta Singh from Ebix Smart Class
in June 2019 and in January 2020.
• Mr Vinni Grover (Librarian) attended a
workshop on ‘Story Telling and
Puppetry’ by Rising Sun Publications at
Lotus Valley International School Noida
Extension on 14 September 2019.
• Ms Sonia Saini (PRT German) attended a
workshop on ‘Language Games for Class
Rooms’ conducted at Max Mueller
Bhavan on 21 October 2019.
• Ms Seema Kaur (Principal) attended the
25 National Sahodaya Conference
• A workshop was organized for the teachers on organized by CBSE from 1 to 2
‘Developing Self, Motivating Students and November 2019.
Handling Parents Responsibly’ at Pacific World
School on 26 June 2019. The workshop was
conducted by Dr Veena K Arora.
• A workshop on ‘Innovative and Blended
Teaching Techniques’ was conducted for all the
teachers by Dr Veena K Arora at Pacific World
School on 26 June 2019.
• A session on ‘Taking Care of Hair, Skin and Teeth’
was conducted by Dr Prerna Taneja for all the
teachers at Pacific World School on 27 June
• A workshop on ‘Positive Attitude, Gratitude and
Knowing your Potential’ was conducted by Ms
Jyotsna Bhardwaj on 28 June 2019 for all the
102 teachers of Pacific World School. 103