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•  Ms Sonia Saini (PRT  German) attended a
                                                                    workshop on ‘Zeitgeist’ conducted by Max                        WEBINARS
                                                                    Mueller Bhavan at The Lalit, New Delhi on 28
                                                                    January 2020.
                                                                  •  Doctors  from  Yatharth  Hospital  Greater                     Covid 19 Pandemic did not deter our resilient         During the lockdown period they attended a
                                                                                                                                                                                          number of webinars to embrace new teaching
                                                                                                                                    teachers as they turned this setback into a
                                                                    Noida West, conducted a workshop on ‘CPR                        comeback and seized this  opportunity to              skills and be empowered facilitators.
                                                                    and First Aid’ for all the teachers at Pacific                   invest in themselves and upgrade their skills.
                                                                    World School on 7  January 2020.
                                                                  •  A session on ‘POCSO’ Act was conducted at
                                                                    Pacific World School for all the teachers by                             WEBINAR               RESOURCE PERSON          NAME OF THE TEACHER               DATE
                                                                    Ms  Awani  Singh  (Senior  Mistress)  on 7
                                                                    January 2020.                                                      Tips on Online Teaching       Dr Jennifer Chang             Ms Raji Nair           7  April 2020
                                                                  •  A workshop was conducted  for  all  the                         Unterrichten : Tips and Tricks  Ms Amita Talwar &            Ms Sonia Saini          8  April 2020
             •  A training session  on  ‘Microsoft  Office            teachers at Pacific World School by Ratna                                                          Ms Punnet Kaur
               Training (365)’ was conducted  by  Juana             Sagar Publishing House  on  ‘Strategies to                          Making Mathematics
               Technologies Private Limited (A  Global              Enable Children to Read, Write, Learn and                           Teaching Relevant in       Mr Abhishek Mukherjee          Ms Nidhi Mittal         17  April 2020
               Training Partner  with Microsoft) for all the        Remember Spellings Correctly’ on  9                                    the 21  Century
               teachers  at  Pacific  World  School  on  15          January 2020.
               November 2019.                                                                                                             Value Education              Mr V K Mishra              Ms Seema Kaur           26  April 2020
             •  Ms Raji Nair (PRT General), Ms. Komal Vyas                                                                              Emotional Intelligence      Dr Sharbari Banerjee          Ms Seema Kaur            1  May 2020
               (PRT General) and Ms Neha Chhabra (PRT
               General) attended a workshop on ‘Building                                                                              Managing Virtual Classes         Ms Ashu John               Ms Seema Kaur           5  May 2020
               Activity  Based  Learning  Tracks  for  Early
               Learners’  conducted by  Oxford University                                                                                  Die Ikonen der
               Press at The Manthan School, Noida on 30                                                                                 deutschen Geschichte          Ms Vaishali Joshi           Ms Sonia Saini          7  May 2020
               November 2019.                                                                                                            (von 1945 bis heute)
             •  Ms Karishma Bansal (PRT General) and Ms                                                                                                                                             Ms Rashmi
               Raji Nair (PRT General) attended a workshop                                                                                 Hindi Webinar           Madhuban Publication      Ms Monika Kumari Gupta       9  May 2020
               on ‘Phonics Made  Easy’ conducted  by
               Eupheus Learning at The Eros Hotel, Nehru                                                                                  Happy Classroom            Ms Anita Sharma             Ms Parul Papreja         9  May 2020
               Place on 6  December 2019.
                                                                  •  A workshop on ‘Developing Reading Skills’                           Lesson Planning for                                                                th
                                                                    was conducted at Pacific World School for all                         Effective Teaching               Pearson                 Ms Parul Papreja         12  May 2020
                                                                    the teachers by Cambridge University Press
                                                                    on 10  January 2020.                                                Social and Emotional         Ms Vaishali Gupta -
                                                                  •  A workshop on ‘Collaborative Learning’ was                       Development of Students   Satyam College of Education      Ms Parul Papreja         12  May 2020
                                                                                                                                       in the Present Scenario
                                                                    conducted for all the teachers by Dr Satyendra
                                                                    Gupta at Pacific World School on 11  January                      Maths Pedagogy Workshop           Ms Kelly Lim              Ms Manik Sharma          12  May 2020
                                                                  •  A workshop on ‘Life Skills Development’ was                        How to Teach Children                                                               th
                                                                    conducted for all the teachers by Mr Ashish                       Online and Overcome the       Mr Herbert Puchta            Ms Parul Papreja         13 May 2020
                                                                    Sharma  at  Pacific  World  School  on  11                             Physical Distance
                                                                    January 2020.                                                     Engaging and Motivating    Ms Donah Estafanous and
                                                                                                                                      Through Visible Progress         Ms Sarah Hills            Ms Parul Papreja         14  May 2020
             •  Ms Pooja Suri (Pre-Primary Coordinator)
               attended  a workshop on  ‘Feel Good  at                                                                                                                                          Ms Karishma Bansal
               School’  conducted by  Oxford University                                                                                                                                        Ms Deepika Karmakar
               Press at LPS Global School on 7  December                                                                                                              Ms Sana Shaikh               Ms Puja Rai
               2019.                                                                                                                        Jolly Phonics            SAAR Education             Ms Akanksha Rawat         18  May 2020
             •  Ms Akshma Sharma (PRT General) and Ms.                                                                                                                                           Ms Rekha Sharma
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ms Neetu Playa
               Parul Papreja (PRT English) attended a                                                                                                                                             Ms Priya Gilotra
               workshop on  ‘Phonetics and Language
               Teaching’ conducted by Eupheus Learning                                                                                  Teaching / Learning of
               at Radisson Blu, Kaushambi on 7  December                                                                                   French in India            Loyola College             Ms Megha Bansal          20  May 2020
             •  Ms Awani Singh (Senior Mistress) attended                                                                              Online Rope Skipping -         Rope Skipping                                        24  to 26 th
               the Annual Training by CBSE Examination                                                                                  Coaches Webinar and          Federation of India         Ms Karuna Datta            May 2020
               -2020 at DPS Noida on 15  January 2020.                                                                                  Training Certification
             •  Ms Sudhriti Dutta (TGT English) attended a
               ‘Capacity Building Workshop’ at St. Thomas
               School in January 2020.
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