Page 48 - FAO Aquaculture News, May 2021 - No. 63
P. 48

in their community to help replicate their experience
          and promote women’s empowerment through activities
          related to fishing and aquaculture.  By strengthening
          the integration of women in the different activities of
          the project, such as by promoting their incorporation
          into  collaborative  organizations,  the  number  of  women
          involved in the different productive chains in their coastal
          communities is expected to increase.

          Incorporating a gender approach in the project has
          made it possible to implement effective solutions for
          increasing  economic  benefit and  creating opportunities
          for aquaculture and fishing activities, both for women
          and men, and, overall, to reduce vulnerability to climate
          change in artisanal fisheries and small-scale aquaculture                                                  Aquaculture Updates by Region
          and  increase  its capacity  of adaptation  to climate
          change. As part of the project´s sustainability  plan, post-
          project activities will be further enhanced by the full
          implementation of  the project´s gender mainstreaming
          strategy, which will consolidate women´s empowerment
          through various  initiatives and promote their involvement
          in future productive, cultural and social development
          projects in coastal communities.

           REFERENCES                                                                                        ©FAO/M. Novoa (photo taken before the COVID-19 pandemic)
           Cárcamo Rojas, S. y Gelcich Crossley, S. 2020. Mujeres
           navegantes y de orilla: Innovación y tradición alimentaria con
           sabor a mar. Centro UC. CAPES. Center of Applied Ecology and
           Sustainability (
           FAO. 2019. Estrategia regional de género de la FAO para América
           Latina y el Caribe 2019-2023. Autonomía económica, igualdad de   Women shore collectors, in Caleta El Manzano, actively
           derechos y lucha contra el hambre y la malnutrición. Santiago de   participated in training courses on adding value to fishery
           Chile. (  products, with local strategic allies such as the Municipality of
           FAO. 2020. FAO Policy on Gender Equality 2020–2030. Rome.   Hualaihué and the Liceo de Hornopirén. The collectors later
           (      took technical tours to experience the work of other sea women
                                                              in processing plants for added value to piure (tunicate Pyura
                                                              chilensis) and also to strengthen cooperation networks among
                                                              women. The collector’s name is Marianela Maldonado.

                                                                                                             ©FAO/M. Novoa (photo taken before the COVID-19 pandemic)

          Small-scale fishers preparing for the day in Caleta El Manzano-Hualaihué, Chile.                   ©FAO/M. Valencia

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