Page 51 - FAO Aquaculture News, May 2021 - No. 63
P. 51
seeks to promote an instance of collective learning within
families. As a pedagogical tool, this game aims to obtain
the greatest diversity of resources and possible goods on
the part of the competitors, to enable the diversification
of productive activities (boats, materials for fishing and
aquaculture, among others) to help reduce vulnerability to
Aquaculture Updates by Region
climate change. This board game seeks to give a positive
approach to climate change, focusing on the opportunities
it offers and motivating people to better prepare for its
The different experiences deployed in the area of ©FAO/O. Espinoza
awareness and training on climate change shed light on a
multiplicity of gaps that need to be addressed in order to
reduce the vulnerability of artisanal fisheries and small- Board and box of the board game “Cove”.
scale aquaculture to climate change in Chile.
Regarding the possibility of replicating and sustaining
The limited information available at the local level on the work developed with the fishing and aquaculture
climate change constitutes one of the main challenges. communities in terms of adaptation, the need to strengthen
Through their experience and knowledge, experts and the current institutional framework and governance
public officials identified gaps associated with low associated with climate change (Regional Climate Change
relevance, the difficulties of accessing information and Committees) was identified as a key aspect, and to
opportunities for generating information, and the need for explicitly incorporate this variable in the Chilean Fisheries
incorporating climate change activities and/or measures Management Committees.
in study programmes at all levels. Other negative factors
include limited human and technological capacities to The success of these training initiatives depends not only
face the adaptation process and the presence of weakened on the interest and commitment of the local community
and uncoordinated public institutions. but also on the availability of resources for the training of
facilitators or trainers, who play a key role in leadership
In terms of opportunities, the training of public officials and promotion for the proposed learning processes. The
made it possible to identify an important potential for availability of resources raises, in turn, the need for local
promoting multidisciplinary and collaborative work. governance associated with these programmes, including
The participation of officials with different professional public and private institutions, scientists and local
backgrounds and from various institutional cultures organizations.
significantly enriched the elaboration of vulnerability
case studies developed within the framework of the semi
face-to-face training programme (b-Learning), which REFERENCES
culminated in these officials achieving a diploma that
accredits their skills. FAO. 2019. Proyecto Fortalecimiento de la Capacidad de
Adaptación en el Sector Pesquero y Acuícola Chileno al Cambio
Climático. Folleto. Santiago. 7 págs. (También disponible en
FAO. 2020. Más de 160 capacitados en adaptación al cambio
climático de la pesca y acuicultura. (También disponible en
©FAO/Centro EULA-Chile (photo taken before the COVID-19 pandemic) acuicultura”. (Disponible en
COPAS Sur-Austral. 2020. Video de la ceremonia de entrega
del diploma “Adaptación al cambio climático en pesca y
Monitoring of environmental variables with mussel, clam and
razor clam collectors in Caleta El Manzano. At the end of the
training, Ms Maida Gueicha mentioned that “she learned how
environmental monitoring equipment works” and highlighted
the importance of monitoring to understand the environment,
where the resources are and how they could be affected by
climate change.