Page 3 - May 2021 Newsletter
P. 3
Minutes of the Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Monthly Members’ Meeting...
} 25 members
} Chair: maureen (mo) Parkes, President, OAsC Guest speaker: Jenn Brewer, RN BScN CETN(C)
Mo called AGM to order at 7:05pm..
1. Reviewed achievements:
} E-transfer option available for fee payment
} Moved to monthly meetings on Zoom
} Engaged more diverse speakers
} Completed first ever audit of group’s financial statements
2. Treasurer’sReport:
} Confirmed we have separated General Account from Camp Fund Account
} Reviewed statements. Balance at Dec. 31, 2020: General Account $3,275.76; Camp Fund $1,047.51
} Donated $250 to Camp Fund in memory of OASC past president Richard Willmot
} Question re $22.08 bank fees in camp account—for transfer back to separate accounts.
} Shared audit report, performed thanks to Pam Kernen.
} Motion by ed Gould to accept Financial Statements. Seconded by Doug sellery. Approved by all.
3. Election:
} Quorum confirmed.
} Call for nominations. No new candidates.
} Current board members have agreed to remain in their positions for another year. None opposed.
} Motion by ed Gould for vote of thanks to all board members for their efforts under trying circumstances. Unanimously approved.
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