Page 7 - Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas X
P. 7

The Profile of Pancasila Student

                                                          Faith, Fear of God The Almighty, and Noble Character
                                                          Indonesian students who believe, fear God Almighty, and have noble character are students who
                                                          have the character in their rela  onship with God Almighty. He understands religious teachings
                                                          and beliefs and applies these understandings in his daily life.
                                                          Key Elements of Faith, Fear of God the Almighty, and Noble Character:
                                                          1.  Religious morality        4.  Morals to nature
                                                          2.  Personal morality        5.  Morals of the states
                                                          3.  Morals to humans

                                                                 Global Diversity

                                                                 Indonesian students maintain a noble culture, locality and iden ty, and keep an

                                                                 open mind in interac ng with other cultures, so as to foster mutual respect and the
                                                                 possibility of forming a noble culture that is posi ve and does not conflict with the

                                                                 noble culture of the na  on.
                                                                 Key Elements of Global Diversity:
                                                                 1.  Recognising and appreciating culture
                                                                 2.  Being able to communicate interculturally in interacting with others
                                                                 3.  Reflecting on and being responsible for the experience of diversity
                                                                 Mutual Coopera  on
                                                                 Indonesian students have the ability to mutually coopera ng, namely the ability to

                                                                 carry out ac  vi es together voluntarily so that the ac  vi es can run smoothly, easily

                               The                               and lightly.
                                                                 Key Elements of Mutual Coopera  on:
                           Profile of                            1. Collaborating
                                                                 2. Being concern
                           Pancasila                             3. Sharing
                                                                 Indonesian students are independent students, namely students who are responsible
                                                                 for the process and outcomes of learning.
                                                                 Key Elements of Independent:
                                                                 1.  Being aware of oneself and the situation at hand
                                                                 2. Self-regulating

                                                                 Cri  cal Reasoning

                                                                 Students who think cri cally are able to objec vely process informa  on  both

                                                                 qualita vely and quan  ta vely, build rela onships between various informa  on,

                                                                 analyse informa on, evaluate and conclude it.
                                                                 Key Elements of Cri  cal Reasoning:
                                                                 1.  Obtaining and processing information and ideas
                                                                 2.  Analysing and evaluating reasoning
                                                                 3.  Reflecting thoughts and thought processes
                                                                 4. Making decisions
                                                          Crea  ve
                                                          Crea ve students are able to modify and produce something original, meaningful, useful, and

                                                          impac  ul.
                                                          Key Elements of Crea  ve:
                                                          1.  Generating original ideas
                                                          2.  Producing works of the original action

                                                                                      The Profile of Pancasila Studen t  v
                                                                                                     In This Book
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