Page 9 - Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas X
P. 9
Content Map
Content Map
Do You Think So? Help you to organise the information you
already know and to incorporate the new
learning with the prior knowledge
Listening and Reading and Wri ng and Addi onal
Speaking Viewing Presen ng Material
Opinion and Analy cal Analy cal
Thought Exposi on Exposi on
Words or sorts of phrases used
to indicate the contents of the
Pronuncia on Language Grammar Affi x
Func on
First Giving Modal Suffi x -ness
Stressed Opinion
Syllable and
Thought Buzzwords
Modal in
Present and
○ demonstrative pronoun
Past Time
○ indefinite pronoun
○ possessive pronoun
○ personal pronoun
○ introduction
Core Material
Task 1 Study the conversation between David, Beth
and Sun Hee. Practise with your partner.
David : Hello. I’m David Garza.
I’m a new club member. The core of
Beth : Hi. My name is Elizabeth Silva, but please call me Beth.
David : OK. Where are you from, Beth? learning materials
Beth : Brazil. How about you? include execises
David : I’m from Mexico.
Beth : Oh, I love Mexico! It’s really beautiful.
David : Thanks. So is Brazil.
In Pairs In Group
Activities that you
can be applied
Make a dialogue with the scenario Discuss in a small group. There will be a
below. democratic election for the chairman of the On Your Own inside or outside
You meet a new friend at the school Inter-School Students Organization (OSIS) in your classroom
library. Introduce yourself. Ask each your school. Choose your candidate (one
other about your ex-junior high member of your group) and prepare part Mention the moral lesson that you
school, address, sisters, brothers, of a candidate’s campaign. Write a list of get from the story about The Crying
parents, hobbies, and reasons why things that will be done if your candidate Stone. Ask your teacher if you still
you like to study at the school. Depart is elected. The candidates from each group don’t understand.
as the bell rings for the next class. introduce them selves and present their
programmes. Listen to others’ group when
they speak.
In This Book vii