Page 138 - Mobile Magic
P. 138
replied Ashley.
‘Maybe he should get his braces gold-plated to match,’
sneered Abigail. ‘Most of his face was hidden by those dark glasses. What a dickhead! I wonder who he is?’
It was Claire who answered. ‘I’ve seen him before. He lives next to the golf course ... stole a whole bag of sweets from my little brother once. They call him Bomber - because of that stupid jacket he always wears.’
Saffron jerked her head around, but the boy had disappeared into the crowd near the stage. A chill ran down her spine. She remembered that name - it was a nasty name and he looked like a nasty person. But where had she heard him mentioned? She was still trying to get her muddled memories in order when, with a long, loud roll of the drums, the music stopped entirely.
Linda got up, stood in front of the mike and addressed the audience. ‘Welcome, welcome, one and all to the Green Mountain dance! We, that is, Chuckie Chunder and the Cheeseburgers, welcome this chance to put a bit of life into our community. This is reality music, not reality T.V. ... Get off your couch-potato butts and make a difference! The place you see on the big-screen here, that's Green Mountain. We’re going to lose it if we don't act now, so tell the council. We don’t want Green Mountain sold off - just to line the pockets of some greedy developer!’
A cheer came from the audience. They were so high on the music that they were putty in Linda’s hands.