Page 96 - Mobile Magic
P. 96
Saffron started listening to the words of the song that they were playing.
Green Mountain, Green Mountain, it’s been here since time past countin’ asleep by day - awake at night,
Green Mountain is out of sight!
Wombats, snakes and wallabies, roam about among the trees.
Tree-fern, orchid, sugar-glider, Fig-tree, bat and jewel-spider,
All fit in the web of life,
kill them off, we’ll be in strife.
Don’t put up suburban houses,
we want ‘roos and hopping mouses!
Shopping centre, full of cars, blocks our view of moon and stars.
If you want to save your face, leave this wild, untroubled place.
Want our air and water clean?
there’s an answer - KEEP IT GREEN!