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 Integrated Architecture Team Overview        NATHAN BAKER, AIA, NCARB

 IA Staff Member       IA Firm Status   Proposed Project Role

 Nathan Baker, AIA, NCARB   •   Managing Principal / President  •   Principal in Charge  PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE
               PRINCIPAL / PRESIDENT         Nate Baker is a licensed architect in the state of Oklahoma and also holds current
 Mark Gandy, AIA  •   Principal / Vice President  •   Project Manager & Architect  licenses in several other states.
              Benefits to Project
 Jeff Johnson   •   Architectural Intern  •   Drafting    ƒ Team building  The profession of architecture provides the opportunity for Nate to be a part of

 Celio Terrones, AIA   •   Architect  •   Technical Detailing    ƒ History of successful work on   improving the physical environments in which people live, work, and interact.
                                             Designing  structures  to  improve  the  mind,  body,  and  spirit  of  the  people
                quality-of-life projects
 Jennah McIntyre  •   Architectural Intern  •   Drafting    ƒ Experienced in working on   interacting in those environments fuels his passion.
                christian ministry projects   Nate  has  focused  his  career  on  the  building  of  teams  for  the  purpose  of
 Andrea Baker   •   Administration / Marketing  •   Administration  delivering quality architectural projects balanced with professional excellence
              Areas of Expertise             and financial sustainability. In order to produce consistent quality work for their
                 ƒ Team building and leadership  clients, Integrated Architecture must be able to control and sustain a healthy
                 ƒ Design leadership         corporate environment. The consistency and quality that Integrated Architecture
                 ƒ Schedule and cost control  strives to deliver for clients is the focus of Nate’s work.
                                             Healthy relationships with co-workers, family, friends, and clients provide the
                                             opportunity for a positive and lasting impact and are the priorities in Nate’s life.

                                               JEFF JOHNSON
                                               MARK GANDY, AIA
                                               ARCHITECTURE INTERN / DRAFTING
 Mark Gandy is a licensed architect in the state of Oklahoma.
 PRINCIPAL / VICE   As  Vice  President,  Mark  has  built  his  career  on  the  technical  execution  of
 PRESIDENT  construction  projects  from  design  through  construction  documentation  and   PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE
 Benefits to Project  construction  administration.    Mark’s  career  experience  includes  healthcare,   ARCHITECTURAL INTERN  Jeff has worked on multiple public and private projects throughout his career
   ƒ Project team communication  research,  education,  commercial,  and  faith-based  architecture.  Mark’s   from  design  through  construction  administration.    Experience  with  various
                                              building types, producing technical design solutions and working closely with
 commitment  to  his  work  in  directing  teams  of  architects,  engineers,  and
   ƒ History of successful work on   consultants  has  resulted  in  the  management  of  multiple  projects  for  repeat   Benefits to Project  team members is the motivation behind Jeff’s work.
 highly technical projects      ƒ In-depth working knowledge of
   ƒ Committed to excellence in   clients.  planning effeciency  As  a  team  member  of  Integrated  Architecture,  he  works  closely  with  the
 construction documentation   During Mark’s extensive career, he has worked on numerous Baptist church     ƒ Creative designer  principals  at  Integrated  Architecture  to  produce  solutions  to  meet  our
 and client service   projects.   In  addition  to  his  church  design  experience he  also  has  a long     ƒ Passion for quality technical   clients’ needs.  Jeff is detail-oriented and uses that strength in preparing and
 history of working on college campus projects. Mark’s combined experience   coordination  coordinating construction documents.
 Areas of Expertise  in  christian  ministry  and  college  education  and  research gives  him  the     ƒ Areas of Expertise
   ƒ Project leadership  experience and ability to successfully lead this project.    ƒ Design concept development  Jeff is a calming influence in the office at Integrated Architecture with his wisdom
                                              and understanding of all the details of the documents.  Although Jeff is behind-
   ƒ Design coordination    ƒ Technical drafting  the-scenes much of the time, his importance to our team, the client, and the
   ƒ Construction documentation    ƒ Visual graphic communications  project is enormous.

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