Page 13 - OSU BCM proposal 041621 spread format_Neat
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                                                                           CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN
                                                                           THE MASTER PLAN IS CHANGING THE BUILDING FROM
                                                                           THE INSIDE OUT.  IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH ALL
                                                                           RENOVATION OF EXISTING SPACE AND ADDITION OF
                                                                           NEW SPACE, AND AT THE SAME TIME CONTINUE TO
                                                                           UTILIZE SOME OF THE FACILITY WE MUST LAY OUT A
                                                                           CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN.
                                                                           IN THIS CASE A CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN
                                                        -4'-6"             MEANS THAT THE BUILDING AND INSTALLATION
                                                                           SEQUENCE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT IS
                                       LEGEND                              COMPARTMENTALIZED TO SPECIFIC AREAS SO THAT
                                                                           THE CHURCH CAN STILL FUNCTION IN THE FACILITY
                                                                           AT THE SAME TIME.  THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE
                                        NO WORK                            PLAN IS AN ATTEMPT THE MINIMIZATION OF
                                                                           INTERFERENCE BETWEEN THE ENGINEERING AND
                                        PHASE 1                            STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE BUILDING
                                        PHASE 2                            WHILE MAINTAINING OPERATIONS OF THE FACILITY
                                                                           AT AN ACCEPTABLE FUNCTIONAL LEVEL.
                                        PHASE 3            UP
                                                                           THE GRAPHIC ON THIS PAGE SHOWS A CONCEPTUAL
                                                                           CERTAIN AREAS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE BEFORE
                                                                           HAVE TO BE DEVELOPED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE
                                        DEMOLITION AREA  0'-0" 3           MOVING TO ANOTHER AREA.   A DETAILED PLAN WILL
                                                                           CONTRACTOR, CODE OFFICIALS, AND CHURCH
                                                                           ADMINISTRATION IN ORDER TO TEMPORARILY
                                                                           RELOCATE FUNCTIONS WHILE CERTAIN AREAS OF
                                                                           THE FACILITY ARE CLOSED OFF FOR CONSTRUCTION.
                                                          2      0'-0"
                                                OUTLINE OF PRESCHOOL
                                                BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED
                                                (PHASE 2)
                                                                      1  CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN
                                                                       1" = 40'-0"
 Visioning & Feasibility Study  Fellowship Hall expansion   Master Plan and Nursery Expansion  Master Plan  Phase One of Master Plan
 Meadowood Baptist Church  and Education building addition  Stillwater, Oklahoma  Bartlesville, Oklahoma  Bartlesville, Oklahomaa
 Renovation and Addition  Date Completed: 2018  Date Completed: 2020
 Date Completed: Currently in Design  Date Completed: 2016  Date Completed: 2017  Date Completed: August 2021
 Project Architect:    Mark Gandy  Principal-in-Charge:    Nate Baker  Principal-in-Charge:    Nate Baker  Project Architect:    Nate Baker
            PROJECT DESCRIPTION:              Project Architect:    Nate Baker  Project Architect:    Nate Baker
 Village Baptist Church                                                                                        Mark Gandy
 Renovation Consulting  PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  Located mere blocks away from the
 Date Completed: Ongoing since 2017  Oklahoma State University campus,   PROJECT DESCRIPTION:
 Project Architect:    Mark Gandy  Edmond’s  First  Baptist  church  needed  Additions/Renovations  to  add  more   University Heights Baptist Church   First  Baptist  Church  Bartlesville  contacted  Integrated  Architecture  about  a
            represents a unique opportunity to
 Snyder First Baptist Church  classroom space, a larger fellowship hall, and a new entry element for additional   extend the boundaries of Stillwater’s   master plan for a facility that is land-locked and consisted of four independant
 Facility Planning and   parking on the back side of their existing facility. Initially Integrated Architecture   most defining entity. Accordingly,   attached structures, all built in different decades beginning in the 1920’s. As a
 Building expansion currently in design  was  hired  to  lead  Edmond’s  First  Baptist  Church  in  a  visioning  of  the  best   Integrated Architecture workedtoward  result of years of development on campus, the church had become difficult to
 Date Completed: 2019  functional way to expand their building in a way that complimented the existing   a master plan that worked in careful   navigate. Integrated Architecture had the opportunity to work with the church
 Project Architect:    Nate Baker  layout and addressed their space needs. Once a vision for church expansion   tandem with adjacent university   to assemble a master plan that identified, prioritized and addressed many of
 was developed we implemented a feasibility study to work the concept around   structures and paths to blur the
 Hope Pregnancy, Ardmore  technical  issues,  budget  constraints,  and  functional  requirements.  With  the   boundary between the university   the church’s concerns. As a team, we decided on a three-phase project. Phase
                                              One is currently under production.
 Building Renovation (Pro Bono)  vision set and the feasibility worked through, Integrated Architecture helped   campus and church campus. The
 Date Completed: 2019  Edmond’s  First  Baptist  Church  design  a  facility  that  would  be  flexible  for   master plan include a new youth   Phase One connects the west sanctuary with the eastern part of the church
 Project Architect:    Nate Baker  multipurpose use. The ground floor entry hall was designed using moving walls   building, university student center,   campus. It also includes a new nursery area and new preschool suites. Once
 to allow this area to become additional space for the fellowship hall. The existing   all three phases of the project are complete, over 140,000 square feet will have
 Battlecreek Church,      fellowship hall doubled in size and a new kitchen was added. The fellowship   coffee shop and entry addition.  been renovated, and 40,000 square feet will have been added. Because of the
 Broken Arrow & Midtown   hall area was a challenge due to the existing floor-to-floor height. The design   After the master plan was accepted by   multiple structures and a need to unify them functionally Phase One begins
 Tulsa  raised the existing ceiling and minimized the above ceiling area for mechanical   the  congregation, the administration   in the core of the building and works its way out addressing circulation and
 Interior Design  systems.  All  the  challenges  of  the  addition  and  renovation  were  overcome   and building committee at UHBC felt   wayfinding.
 Date Completed: 2018 / 2020  through  creative  thinking as  to  how  to  use  the  space  for  multiple  functions.   confident in proceeding with design
 Project Designer:        Ashley Hibbets  Integrated Architecture also worked closely with the City of Edmond to resolve   for immediate needs in the nursery.   After  working  continuously  for  four  years  with  BFBC  staff  and  two  different
            They proceeded knowing that their
 Anthem Church, Tulsa                   significant code issues. The result has been well received by the congregation   capital funds were being spent wisely   committees, we were excited to see Phase One break ground in early 2020.  We
                                              are also blessed to have many new friends that we love working with at BFBC.
 and the new spaces are heavily used throughout the week. It was a team effort
 Interior Design  between Integrated Architecture, the consulting engineers, the contractor and   and not impeding future projects.  This project and the people at BFBC have been a blessing to all of us here at the
 Date Completed: 2020  the  church  building  committee.  We  were  blessed  to  be  a  part  of  the  design   This project was a great experience   IA office.
 Project Designer:        Ashley Hibbets  for IA staff who have close
 process and to see visions translate to a great space for people.
            associations with UHBC.

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