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HIGHER EDUCATION EXPERIENCE                     interactive                                            06

                                                                                                                            educational facilities


            BUILDING                          Ada, Oklahoma
 East Central University  UNIVERSITY CENTER OF
 On-Call Architect (IA)  SOUTHERN OKLAHOMA    Date Completed: 2013         business school + conference center
 Multiple design projects ongoing  Ardmore, Oklahoma                       EAST CENTRAL UNIVERSITY
 Project Architect:    Mark Gandy  Date Completed: 2017  Project Architect:    Mark Gandy
                                                                           Ada, Oklahoma
 University Center of   Project Architect:    Mark Gandy  COMPLETION DATE  A joint project of East Central University and the Chickasaw Nation, the new
                                              August 2013
                                                                           Chickasaw Conference Center and Stonecipher School of Business sits on the
 Southern Oklahoma                            PROJECT DESCRIPTION:         university's 135-acre campus in Ada, Oklahoma. The development of an Arts District
                                              CONSTRUCTION COST
 Classroom building  PROJECT DESCRIPTION:     $12,100,000                  within the city influenced the siting of the new 60,000 SF building.
                                              A joint project of East Central University and the Chickasaw Nation, the new
 Date Completed: Ongoing since 2014           SIZE                         The character and materiality of the building speaks to the campus vernacular of red
                                              Chickasaw Conference Center and Stonecipher School of Business sits on the
 Project Architect:    Mark Gandy  The Math and Science building   60,000 SF  brick, with areas of stone adding interest and detail.  A curved three-story glass atrium
                                              university’s 135-acre campus in Ada, Oklahoma. The development of an Arts
            houses a nursing program and the   SCOPE                       provides a landmark architectural statement, as well as a vertical interior volume,
 *Mark produced this project at Miles         District within the city influenced the siting of the new 60,000 SF building.
                                              Architectural Services
                                                                           abundant with light from full glass curtain walls and skylights.
 & Associates  OLD NORTH RENOVATION                science department’s math programs   Facility Programming  The facility provides space for faculty offices, a variety of classroom types, a small
                                              The character and materiality of the building speaks to the campus vernacular
                                              Interior Design
            and business programs. The unique
                                              of red brick, with areas of stone adding interest and detail. A curved three-story
 CTSA Head Start School  UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA  architecture style has a Georgian   Construction Administration  café, a computer lab, and a community-shared conference center. Additionally, a new
                                              LEED Feasibility Assessment
                                                                           business incubator, mock courroom, and campus security will be housed within the
 New building and renovation of old   Edmond, Oklahoma  influence with red brick, glass, a   glass atrium provides a landmark architectural statement, as well as a vertical
                                                                           building. Classrooms range from large tiered lecture halls and classrooms for
 building  Date Completed: 2015  slate style roof and local stone. The   interior volume, abundant with light from full glass curtain walls and skylights.
                                                                           demonstration to smaller classroom spaces, all with a priority on providing ADA
 Date Completed: 2019  Project Architect:    Mark Gandy  new University Center of Southern   The facility provides space for faculty offices, a variety of classroom types,
                                                                           accessibility.  Collaboration nooks adjacent to the atrium support the academic
                                                                           function of the building by providing spaces for students and faculty to interact.  The
 Project Architect:    Nate Baker  Oklahoma campus occupies about   a small café, a computer lab, and a community-shared conference center.
                                                                           building also serves the public by providing a 1,700-occupant FEMA safe room for
                                              Additionally, a new business incubator, mock courtroom, and campus security
 East Central University  PROJECT DESCRIPTION:   100 acres of property. The design   will be housed within the building. Classrooms range from large tiered lecture
                                                                           disaster management.
 Student Union renovation including a   Old North is a very important part of the University of Central Oklahoma’s   of the new facility was located and   halls and classrooms for demonstration to smaller classroom spaces, all with
 new E-sports competition room  history. Old North was first constructed in 1891, with students first attending   positioned to take advantage of the   a priority on providing ADA accessibility. Collaboration nooks adjacent to the
 Date Completed: Under construction  class in 1893. The restoration spanned three phases. The restoration con-  full view of the Arbuckle Mountains   atrium support the academic function of the building by providing spaces
                                                                        W W W . M I L E S A S S O C I A T E S . C O M
 Project Architect:    Mark Gandy  to the north. Great care was taken to   for students and faculty to interact. The building also serves the public by
 struction cost totaled over $14,000,000 and took over 10 years to complete.    incorporate local stone and color that
 Iowa Nation Head Start   The building includes approximately 44,000 square feet of offices, classrooms   gives the building a natural position   providing a 1,700-occupant FEMA safe room for disaster management.
                                              This project was produced under the leadership of Mark Gandy while working
 School  and gathering space for faculty. Old North also houses the office of the presi-  in the landscape. The first phase of   for Miles & Assoc.
 Campus with multiple classroom   dent. The last phase of the project was carefully designed to help incorporate   the new campus incorporates this
 buildings and central great hall with   the original period interior materials as much as possible. Great care was   nearly 50,000 square foot building
 kitchen and dining  taken to bring the exterior lighting into the interior spaces where possible.   with additional buildings planned
 Date Completed: In design  Many of the existing brick walls and wood flooring were exposed to provide a   for the future. The facility has many
 Project Architect:    Nate Baker  modern and historical feel for the interior spaces. The original staircases on   large teaching laboratory spaces,
 the north and south end of the structure were also preserved. A new HVAC   large classrooms, computer labs,
 system was installed within the footprint of the building. This project was pro-  conference rooms, and faculty offices.
 duced under the leadership of Mark Gandy while working for Miles & Assoc.  This project was produced under
            the lerdeship of Mark Gandy while
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