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                                               PROJECT APPROACH

            Doing good work requires more than accuracy; the product must be clearly understandable, fully documented and             DESIGN METHODS
            inclusive of many influencers. The transparency required for our clients demands a high degree of professionalism,
            which we provide.                                                                                                         The execution of the design process is dependant on a team’s methods of working, which is driven by personal standards
                                                                                                                                      and knowledge gained by experience.  Integrated Architecture’s team will always stand behind our work because of our
            DESIGN APPROACH                                                                                                           personal standards by which we work everday, as well as our individual experiences in working through project specific
                                                                                                                                      challenges.  Mark Gandy and our staff employ the methodoligies listed below on all projects.  Mark Gandy’s experience is
            At its most basic, Integrated Architecture’s design approach is centered on providing our clients with the best information
            possible  to  make  informed  decisions.  The  client  is  always  in  control  of  the  project  with  the  benefit  of  our  project   critical to this project because he is able to use these methodologies through the lens of his deep history in working on
            management and design expertise. Leadership is about listening and guiding. Our job is to provide organization and        Baptist ministry and higher education projects.
            counsel without ego, and to find ways to make the client’s decisions work.                                                DESIGN & TECHNICAL LEADERSHIP
            Integrated Architecture will lead all design meetings, with participation and guidance from our technical and engineering   Mark Gandy is a proven leader as an architect and project manager.  He also has a unique experience in christian ministry
            consultants. Our sub-consultants are integral members of the team with participation throughout the project.              projects.  He has worked on numerous Baptist churches and higher education projects and he understands how they
                                                                                                                                      function, the technical elements, and the industry terminology.  His experience and leadership abilities combined with
            LEAD                                                                                                                      his working ministry knowledge will allow him to hear, understand and discuss christian ministry terminology with key
            The key to leadership is listening.  Integrated Architecture’s team will listen to the stakeholders’ input on the needs and   stakeholders.  His experience and knowledge in building function and construction will also allow him to translate critical
            desires for a state-of-the-art christian ministry facility in which the goals for outreach, fellowship, worship and teaching are   information to the design team which will be important to the realization of a facility that meets design expectations.
            realized. We will review the project’s givens, unknowns, and challenges in order to reach those goals of a multi-functional   COMMUNICATION
            facility for staff and students.
                                                                                                                                      We  know  from  experience  that  quality  communication  is  part  of  healthy  professional  relationships.    At  Integrated
            ORGANIZE                                                                                                                  Architecture  we  always  strive  to  have  direct  and  transparent  communication  with  all  consultants  and  stakeholders.
            Integrated Architecture will use a proven design process of programming, design, documentation, and team oversight        When difficult situations arise we will always look for resolution, instead of blame.  Good communication is critical to the
            in order to develop a high quality plan for a facility functioning with worship space, commercial kitchen, fellowship and   production of a quality end product.
            common ares, and offices.  Our design process will be inclusive of collecting and documenting information, presenting
            owner-driven decisions with options based on collected data, culminating in a comprehensive creative design that meets    QUALITY CONTROL
            the needs and standards of the BCM.                                                                                       We believe the quality control is not only part of producing the product but also part of process oversight. One of the
                                                                                                                                      key roles of the principal-in-charge is to make sure company and professional standards are being implemented. We are
            CREATIVITY                                                                                                                always give attention to the quality of our communication and processes, as well as documentation and oversight.  Nate
                                                                                                                                      Baker will be the principal-in-chage and has a passion for firm leadership as well as project team oversight.  We strive to
            The Integrated Architecture team is comprised of divergent thinkers which helps produce projects with an eclectic balance   not only produce high quality projects but also bring value to all phases of the project.
            of design solutions and quality technical execution.
                                                                                                                                      Scheduling plays a significant role in the success of a project. We will provide proactive leadership in setting out a schedule
            The goal of the design process is to create a consensus-based design direction for the project. We conduct meetings       to meet the goals of the project. The project manager, Mark Gandy, will help set the schedule, monitor it, and communicate
            or workshops to achieve that goal. The final Owner approved design concept will be developed technically to include       clearly to meet the project goals.
            all building systems to assure the design concept will function in such a way to create a great environment for all BCM
            ministry functions and programs.  Finally the fully developed concept will be documented for construction, including      COST CONTROL
            construction phase involvement to assure the final results are a realization of the intended design.
                                                                                                                                      We recognize the significance of our client’s investment.  Integrated Architecture works with the contractor to define and
                                                                                                                                      maintain the project budget so the decisions based on budget can be made as early as possible in the process. We do not
                                                                                                                                      like surprises and we know you depend on us to maximize the available project funds.

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