Page 19 - OSU BCM proposal 041621 spread format_Neat
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            Fees tend to be the first thing our clients want to look at and that is totally understandable.  We do however want to be
            sure the fees are in line with the project scope.  The proposal request services of Schematic Design, Design Development,
            Construction Documents, and Construction Administration.  That is what we would consider a full-service project.  Standard
            architectural fees include structural, mechanical, and electrical engineeering but not civil engineering.  We have collected
            civil engineering scope and fees and have those broken out separately below.  The architecture fee below includes structural,
            mechanical, and electrical engineering as well as the interior design consultant.
            Full-service fees are typically quoted as a percentage of construction cost (CC).  We do not know your budget but based on
            equivalent standards used on the OU BCM we would put that in the range of $250/SF, which would put your project in the
            range of six million dollars (+/-) for construction.  The dollar amounts shown below are “ballpark” numbers since we haven’t
            really discussed details of the project or budget goals with you.
 Edmond’s First Baptist Church
 Nate Baker
                          Architect fee         -Fixed fee of 8% of estimated CC  ($6M)      $ 480,000

                          Civil engineer fee    -Fixed fee                                 $   22,850

                                                Total fee                                  $ 502,850

            Fee Break-Out:

                          Architect fee
                                  -Schematic Design           20%                          $   96,000
                                  -Design Development         20%                          $   96,000
                                  -Construction Documents     50%                          $ 240,000
                                  -Construction Administration   10%                       $   48,000
 University Center of Southern Oklahoma                                                    $     4  8  0  ,  0  0  0
 Math & Science Building  The Assembly
 Mark Gandy  Ashely Hibbets        Civil engineer fee

                                  -Demolition Plan            LS                            $   1,500
                                  -Storm Water Analysis & Report   LS                       $   3,000
                                  -Site Civil Engineering Plans   LS                        $ 12,000
                                  -Meetings / Coordination     Hourly estimate              $   2,600
                                  -Construction Phase Services   Hourly estimate            $   3,500
                                  -Estimated Civil Reimbursable Expenses                    $      250
                                                                                              $     2  2  ,  8  5  0

            •   Fee includes architecture / structural / mechanical / electrical engineering, civil engineering services only.
            •   Reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to, travel and reproduction costs.
            •   Fees shall be invoiced monthly based on percentage of work completed.
            •   In the case that any additional services are requested, scope and fee will be agreed upon prior to services being
 Anthem Church
 Ashley Hibbets  rendered.

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