Page 13 - Distinguished Daughters Special Edition
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served on the Human Rights Commission;                   1913, when they joined a large number of
she was always a staunch advocate for the                women's organizations in a massive march
rights of women.                                         and demonstration demanding voting
                                                         rights for women. As with fighters for
Pauline Richardson Oberdorfer Minor                      racial equality, suffragettes faced prison,
                                    (June 1910)          police brutality, and even death. As
                                    Many GHS             African American women, the new Deltas
                                    alumnae have         faced double jeopardy fighting for equal
                                    gone on to achieve   rights on multiple fronts, but they never
                                    great things and     faltered. Delta Sigma Theta
                                    more than a few      flourished and grew. Today, more than
                                    have had             300,000 college- educated women are
                                    accomplishments      members of college and alumnae chapters
                                    that impacted their  located around the world. Delta focuses on
                                    communities and      programs that involve economic
                                    on society as well.  development, education, international
                                    Pauline was one of   awareness and involvement, physical and
                                                         mental health, and political awareness and
the 22 founders of Delta Sigma Theta                     involvement. All members are actively
Sorority, Inc. Her achievements and                      engaged either locally, nationally or
those of her sister founders not only                    internationally in programs that support
impacted many in the society of her era:                 social welfare, benefit communities—
Their work still reaches out in our time                 locally and globally—and improve and
and has grown exponentially. It                          strengthen families. All of these works
influences the lives of some 300,00                      have grown from the vision and work of
women around the world today and this                    the 22 original founders. Pauline’s
influence will continue on in the future.                personal life was one of achievement. She
Pauline was born in the south, in Virginia.              had a long career as a teacher. She had a
She was a very little girl when she was                  lovely mezzo-soprano voice and was a
sent to Philadelphia to live with an uncle               skilled recitalist. She was a composer of
and aunt, who brought her up. After                      hymns, including "Get Off the Judgment
completing elementary school, she                        Seat" and "My Lord is a Refuge." Toni
entered the prestigious Philadelphia High                Nottingham, our Alumnae President and a
School for Girls and graduated in 1910.                  Delta said of her, "She is a shining
Pauline went on to enter the Teachers                    example of the impact of a Girls High
College at Howard University with financial              education and her singular
help from her church and graduated at                    accomplishment continues to impact
the head of her class in 1914. She was                   educated women around the world today
valedictorian of her class. In 1913 she                  and will continue to do so for generations
and 21 of her classmates joined in a                     to come."
heroic action—the founding of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority. This was a time of                       Jill Scott (June 1990) The multi-
widespread and massive racial and gender                                                            talented, triple
discrimination. Poverty held sway over an                                                           threat (singer,
overly large number of people. A major                                                              actor, and
portion of the population was denied the                                                            songwriter)
right to vote. Distinguishing themselves                                                            Jill took the
from other social organizations of the                                                              neo-soul/R&B
time, the young Delta founders were                                                                 music scene
eager to meet the challenge of fighting for                                                         by storm with
racial and gender equality in education,                                                            the release of
job opportunities, the right to vote, and
many other social welfare issues. Their                                                                            pg. 13
first social rights activity was on March 3,
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