Page 8 - Distinguished Daughters Special Edition
P. 8


                         by Dorothy G. Kapenstein

Annie B. Andrews (June 1977), Rear                      Training Command in Great Lakes. In her
Admiral U. S. Navy (retired), is now                    most recent military assignment, Annie
                                                        served as the Commander, Navy
                                     serving as the     Recruiting Command. As the Navy’s top
                                     Federal Aviation   recruiter and principal advisor to the Chief
                                     Administration’s   of Naval Personnel on recruitment strategy
                                     (FAA) Assistant    and objectives, she led recruitment efforts
                                     Administrator for  for officer and enlisted programs in both
                                     Human Resource     the Active Duty and Reserve components.
                                     Management,        Annie holds a Bachelor’s degree of Science
                                     appointed on       in Criminal Justice from Savannah State
                                     November 1,        University, a Master’s degree of Science in
                                     2015. She is       Management from Troy State University,
                                     responsible for a  and has been conferred an honorary
                                     strategic          Doctorate of Humane Letters from Wilson
                                     partnership with   College in Pennsylvania. Her military
FAA leadership and human resource (HR)                  education includes a Master’s degree of
support for over 46,000 workforce                       Art in National Security and Strategic
personnel. She provides executive                       Studies from the College of Naval
leadership to HR programs and policies,                 Command and Staff, and she is also a
such as operations, employee and labor                  graduate of the Armed Forces Staff
relations, corporate learning and                       College. She was a recipient of the 2013
development, employee safety, and                       “Stars & Stripes” Award for Leadership
workers’ compensation. Annie brings a                   and the 2015 Women of Color Lifetime
wealth of HR expertise following her 32-                Achievement. She holds an impressive
year career in the U.S. Navy with an                    array of military honors and decorations.
extensive background in personnel
management, recruitment, and                            Dr. Miriam Balaban (June 1945) is one
training. In September 2015, she retired                                                    of the foremost
from the Navy with the rank of Rear                                                         scientists, male or
Admiral. Her Naval career includes tours                                                    female, in the
of duty as Chief of the Requirements                                                        world today. Her
Branch and Joint Manpower Planner with                                                      career, over many
the Washington Joint Staff, as Executive                                                    years, has had a
Assistant and Naval Aide to the Assistant                                                   twofold focus. One
Secretary of the Navy for                                                                   has been water
Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and as                                                        conservation and
Senior Fellow on the Chief of Naval                                                         management. Just
Operations Strategic Studies Group at the                                                   about every
Naval War College, Newport, Rhode                                                           manufacturing
Island. Among the many highlights of her
military career, she was Commanding                     process continuously uses of huge
Officer of the Boston Military Entrance                 quantities of water. This vital natural
Processing Station, Navy Recruiting                     resource must be constantly replenished
District San Francisco, and Navy Recruit                and conserved all over the world. In

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