Page 10 - Distinguished Daughters Special Edition
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Theresa Capriotti of Villanova University.   paid trip to Washington, D.C. for an
 The textbook is currently being utilized at  awards ceremony and several days of
 LaSalle University and will be in place at   educational and celebratory events,
 other universities in the near future.       including visits with members of Congress
 Joan served as President of the Alumnae      and the Administration. Penny was one of
 Association of the Philadelphia High         seven teachers nationwide to win the 2011
 School for Girls for four years, during the  American Institute of Aeronautics and
 busy events of the GHS 100th                 Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation Educator
 anniversary. In addition to the book, Joan   Achievement Award, one of the most
 has written chapters in a great number of    prestigious honors in the U.S. for STEM
 other books and she has contributed an       teachers. The award is given every two
 amazing number of articles to                years to educators who have
 professional journals. She is a Past         demonstrated the utmost efforts in
 President of the Alumnae Association. In     guiding students in grades K-12 to pursue
 1998, she co-chaired the magnificent         the study of mathematics, science, and
 sesquicentennial events that honored the     related technical studies, and in preparing
 150th anniversary of the founding of our     them to use and contribute to tomorrow's
 school. She worked with Ms. Sandy            technologies. Students in Penny's classes
 Johnson, a retired GHS English teacher,      became connected to the real world in
 to establish the tradition of Career         countless ways, including visits from
 Day. Joan has participated in Career Day     astronauts, engineers, authors, and
 almost continuously from its inception       academicians; annual Space Day
 and has mentored students by sharing         celebrations; video conferences with
 with them her experiences as a nurse and     NASA; participation in space missions; the
 a college professor. While a student at      design and launch of model rockets; and
 Girls High, she participated in Treble Clef  other hands-on activities. Penny was
 under the direction of Mr. William           involved in professional development over
 Murphy. Her daughter, Virginia Frizzell      the years and attended programs
 Scharf (June 1989) was a Treble Clef         sponsored by NASA, the Civil Air Patrol,
 singer and is also a nurse. In addition to   and the National Space Biomedical
 her academic career, Joan has taught         Research Institute. She is a member of
 4th- and 5th-grade Sunday school at her      the National Science Teachers Association
 church, where she has mentored the           Aerospace Committee and educator liaison
 students in their religious education for    for the Philadelphia Section of the
 more than 15 years.                          American Institute of Aeronautics and
                                              Astronautics. She received the National
Penny Leon Glackman (June 1965)               Space Society's Award for Excellence
was for many years a 3rd-grade science        (earning a personal congratulation from
teacher in the Merion School District. In     Buzz Aldrin) and has had articles
2011, she earned the nation's highest         published in Ad Astra, the journal of the
recognition for K-12 science and math         National Space Society. She is a member
educators as one of 85 recipients of the      of the Lower Merion School District
Presidential Award for Excellence in          Science Task Force, Green Council, and
Mathematics and Science Teaching. This        Cultural Proficiency Cadre. She has been a
great honor is awarded annually to            technology mentor and workshop leader
outstanding K-12 science and                  and has presented at conferences in
mathematics teachers from across the          science and mathematics, locally and
country. The winners are selected by a        nationally.
panel of distinguished scientists,
mathematicians, and educators. Winners                                                                  pg. 10
receive a $10,000 award from the National
Science Foundation to be used at their
discretion. They also receive an expense-
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